1 min readJul 11, 2017


“In his email conversation with Goldstone, Donald Jr. proves that he valued his father’s election to the presidency above the sovereignty of the United States.” — This is an opinion, not fact, and very irresponsible “reporting”.

“But it is, in fact, highly unusual and profoundly irresponsible for a U.S. presidential campaign to take interest in opposition research from hostile foreign sources.” — Not true, and confirmed as a lie via The Daily Caller article by RACHEL STOLTZFOOS Clinton allies met with Ukrainian officials in 2016, who provided the campaign and the Democratic National Committee with opposition research on Trump.”

“But news of the June 9, 2016, meeting with Veselnitskaya is hardly the first sign of collaboration with Russian sources that reporters have pegged to Trump’s political team in the past year…” — Another lie. I still have not seen an ounce of hard evidence that anyone in the Trump campaign has colluded with Russia. Ans as soon as you find it, please let us know. As CNN has already stated, It’s a scam…”a Nothingburger”.

I would go on…but I have to get back to real life now.

