New in Topix 2.0: Interactive Network Visualizations

Owen Dall Sotomayor
3 min readDec 19, 2017


We are pleased to announce the release our first set of interactive network visualizations for topic modeling built using the powerful Linkurious Ogma API. (

Topix 2.0 is now available at

If you are new to topic modeling, please take a look at our tutorial at

Topix Network Visualization 1: Vocabulary by Topic Network

In this post we will focus on the Vocabulary by Topic Network graph that makes it easy to explore the relationships among the vocabulary in your corpus and the topics derived during your Topix topic modeling session.

The toolbar on the lower right of the graph panel includes the following functionality:

Description for Each Toolbar Option

The bottom portion of the Vocabulary by Topic Network page includes our advanced data table that integrates with the graph:

The integration between the graph and the table goes both ways. Selections done on the graph can update the table using the “Update Table with Graph Selections” icon; and selections on the table can update the graph using the “Filter” button that is above the data table:

Use the “Unfilter” button to undo the filter, or the “Select” option that simply highlights the nodes on the graph without removing other nodes.

Advanced Column Filtering. The following example illustrates a typical use case for the filtering options:

In the screen shot above, the user has entered filter options for three columns:

  1. TITLE: Select all rows NOT containing the word “about”

2. TOKEN COUNT: Select all rows with a token count of 3 or more

3. LINKS: Select all rows with between 1 and 2 links.

Note that these options are applied and the UNION (i.e. AND) of the results is displayed.

The following graphic shows all of the filtering options for a text field (e.g., TITLE)

The following graphic shows all of the filtering options for a numeric field (e.g., TOKEN COUNT):

To apply the filtering options that you have entered for each column select the “Search” option. Clear any filtering options that you previously entered by selecting the “Reset Fields” button. To revert back to showing all of the nodes in the table select the “Show all“ button:

Network Graph Export Options. Use the GEXF (Graphic Exchange XML Format) or JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) export options for use in other software.

Many thanks to Giovanni Bellono for his fine work on both the Topix network visualizations and the advanced data tables!

Originally published at on December 19, 2017.

