Owen Parker Jr.
2 min readNov 4, 2016


Here are some facts that can easily be looked up and verified or disproven.

1- In 2014 there was record sea ice in Antarctica. The Great Lakes had record ice. Lake Superior only had 3 ice free months.

2- 2014 saw record snowfall in the U.S.

3- New cold records were set . .remember the Polar Vortex?

4- Oceans are rising much less than predicted . . some tidal records show no rise at all. .totally different than the 20 ft. rise predicted by Al Gore.

5- Animal scientists now say Polar Bears are thriving.

6- Moose are making a comeback . .at first global warming was pushed as the reason for the decline in Moose herds . .later research found it was wolves causing the decline. After wolf hunting permits were issued, Moose herds have rebounded.

7- 99% of scientist do not believe in Catastrophic Man Made Global Warming. Just the opposite of what your article implies.

8- Nature produces much more CO2 than man . .one volcano puts out more CO2 in one year than all humans produce in 50 years and there are more than 100 volcano’s. The Amazon rain forest puts out more CO2 than all industrialized countries including China combined.

9- Temperature records from Medeviel times prove the earth was once several degrees hotter than it is now. There were many fewer humans on the earth, and certainly no factories burning coal for energy. There has been virtually no increase in temperature in the last 100 years.

10- The sun and it’s radiation emissions have more to do with our weather and Global warming than anything else.

11- The biggest proponents of this false theory are the biggest sinners. Al Gore’s mansion and his airplanes leave a bigger carbon footprint than ten typical American families leave.. If he believes the phony baloney he puts out, why doesn’t he eliminate his own extra large footprint?

There are many more things that prove this is a scam, such as so called “scientific” climate models proven to be skewed to produce the desired data.

