The Guide to Finding Waldo in Google Maps this April Fools’ Day

Owen Yin
2 min readApr 1, 2018


Google Maps launched a new Where’s Waldo mini-game to celebrate April Fools’ Day this year. Visit and you’ll see Waldo peeking out from the left. Click on Waldo to start an adventure that will take you all around the world — and beyond! If you’re having trouble finding him, this guide will help.

Warning: spoilers!

Level One: Andes Mountains, Chile

Find Waldo strolling past some skiiers near the ski chalet, near the bottom right.

Level Two: Surfer’s Paradise Beach, Australia

Find Waldo soaking in the sun in the top right quadrant, by the beach cabana.

Level Three: PyeongChang Olympic Stadium, South Korea

Waldo observes a particularly spirited javelin competition in the top left quadrant of this level.

Level Four: Buñol, Spain

Waldo hides behind some fruity soldiers in this colorful level. He’s in the bottom right quadrant, below a white crate of apples.

Level Five: Hollywood, USA

Waldo peeks out from the entrance of the hotel, top right quadrant.

Level Six: Picard Crater, the Moon

To access the secret level, switch to the Satellite view. Scroll all the way out. You’ll presented with a list of planets and moons you can explore from. Waldo will be on the Moon.

If you’re on mobile, scroll out and find the Kennedy Space Center, located in eastern USA. Click the location and you’ll be launched to the moon level.

Find Waldo catching a movie near the center of the scene.



Owen Yin

student (mostly), designer (sometimes), student designer (occasionally), designer student (I wish)