Owiat Jefferson Help
5 min readOct 17, 2021


To make a man happy in a relationship, you have to know two important things.

When you know these two things, you can find your way to the very depth of his heart and make yourself his main and only source of fulfillment.

First is his nature, second is his person.


A man’s nature is that part of him that can never change because it is sorta fabricated into his DNA. It is that part of him that he got from his forefathers many thousand years ago.

This nature is a common denominator with all men. It is that part of him that whether he realizes it or not consists of the foundation the rest of his being would be built on.

No matter the person his environment and upbringing has made him become. In the long run, his nature would override any discrepancies that are not in line with him.

This nature exists whether he realizes it or not and subconsciously, it is what triggers everything concerning his decision-making.

Components of his nature are

  1. It’s his nature to be a leader: Every male wants to lead. It’s in the nature of man to be the source of direction. A man gets this fulfillment and satisfaction within his being when the direction is being entrusted in his care. This will take him to feel important and valued. The preservation of any source of importance and value is his second nature. When that source is you, just know that he would go to the ends of the world and back to preserve you. It’s like a survival instinct.
  2. It’s in his nature to be a provider: Provision is a trait wired into all men. Every man wants to be a valuable source in whatever capacity. Whether family, social gathering or otherwise, it’s deep within him to be a provider. When he can’t provide, he feels less of himself.
  3. It’s his nature to be proud: Every man has a tint or gallon of pride in him. In most cases, it’s a “gallon”. There’s this dignity a man ascribes to himself within him whether society or his current condition approves it or not. The sense of pride and self-worth within him is hard-coded that he feels disappointed and annoyed at even the slightest of things that could hurt his pride. The fancy word for it is ego. That’s why there can be a term as “massage his ego”.
  4. It’s his nature to love praises: Men want to be praised. Contrary to the general opinion that only women need constant affirmation, men also need it too. A man is never distant from where he is praised. Oh, it doesn’t matter what the source of his praises is. He would defy all principles of association he has to get across to where he would be praised fully.

If you play in line with a man’s nature, then you would get him to be where you want him to. You would have him wherever you wish to. A man’s nature is his nature. There’s no straying from it. Whenever you find a man that’s not living in line with his nature, shake his comfort zone a little and you would see the real man in him.

A man’s nature is common with all men. It is what all men have in common.



A man’s person is the man he has grown to become. This part of him is determined by factors such as where he grew up, where he lived, the kind of upbringing he had, and much more.

A man’s person is not a common denominator with all men. Every man is unique to his person. This part of the man is a product of his overall choices in life.

His person includes variables like what he likes to eat, his favorite sport or tv shows, favorite color, best movie, etc.

The key is not to find out what he likes. That’s not how you tap into the “resources” of his person. Everyone around him knows these things. Associates, colleagues, friends and family, even those on his social media know his preferences.

The key is to find out why he likes what he likes and why he doesn’t like what he doesn’t. This is how you tap into his inner person.

Finding out from him the reason why he is the way he is will open you up to parts of him that no conversation might ever bring up. Most of the time, the reason why he is the way he’s is usually tied to his deepest past experiences.

The answers to this question are the gateway to his deepest memories.

Only a few things make him see that you really care and are worth more from him than this. The answer to the reason why he is the way he opens up a portal to his soul and you’ll get to know more about him that would help you in making him happy.

Now you have a better understanding of him and with a better understanding comes better choices. Choices that’ll make your relationship with him blossom.

How can you use these things to make him the man you want him to be?

How can you become that person he would so dread to lose?

How can you be the source of all the cravings of his nature?

Is it possible to remold him through these things? Yes, it is.

His person’s that part that’s in clay.

In clay means it’s the part of him that can be molded with the right understanding.

What Makes A Man Happy In A Relationship

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