Conservatives Made Trump And They Should Shut Up

Oliver Willis
3 min readOct 21, 2019

There is something inherent in conservative politics that seems to compel them to continually lecture the left on the “right” way to do things, even when they have royally screwed the pooch themselves.

Donald Trump endorses Mitt Romney during the 2012 presidential election

It would be one thing if we heard these constant lectures from the right only in instances where the right was ascendant and dominant, but even as George W. Bush was simultaneously blundering on foreign policy, the domestic economy, and even responding to a hurricane, the finger-wagging never ceased.

Prior to the 2004 and 2006 elections, Democrats were warned from being “too” anti-war and repeatedly told that they had to do everything in their power not to seem as if they weren’t supporting the troops. In 2004, Democrats listened to the advice and ended up with a nominee who — on paper — seemed right to guard against the charges of being too dovish. It was a disaster. Kerry, while a good man, was a terrible campaigner who repeatedly flubbed how to respond on the war in Iraq because he was trying to serve multiple masters.

By 2006, long past when they should have, Democrats embraced opposition to the war (the Democratic establishment, led by then-Rep. Rahm Emanuel at the DCCC wanted to just run veterans for congressional office without fully embracing a war position) and they won, big.



Oliver Willis

Senior writer at The American Independent. These are my personal opinions.