bird repellent for warehouse use exclusively

2 min readAug 30, 2022


For historical reasons, the top cover of the warehouse is not completely sealed from the bottom. God damn it, the gap area is too large. Birds can come and feast at any time. How can they catch it? How to rush? Maybe warehouse bird repellent works.

So dear you, any good advice for this problem?

please! They are all working people in the 21st century. It is absolutely necessary to roll up their sleeves, roll up their trouser legs, and jump up and down. Not only will they lose their identity, they may even lose their ID cards!

Although it is very fun to “roam” in the big granary with a good harvest, it is not good to be “moped” by the birds. Bird droppings on the top of the head, and mice under the feet. What an impressive picture! In this regard, I can only give you a conscience suggestion, don’t raise your head and open your mouth!

For the identity of the vast number of rich peasants and landlords! For everyone’s hard work for a year’s harvest! In order to put our latest R&D warehouse-specific bird repellent where it is needed most! I decided to tell you a magical website:, click on it, you can enter a magical website, where you will find a magic weapon to deal with warehouse bird damage. There are all kinds of magic weapons, and the most important thing is that you can try it for free. Money is so capricious! Don’t waste a penny of your hard-earned money.

Are you excited? I feel that opening the URL is a waste of time, okay! You can feel our sincerity over the phone. We accept your various dissatisfaction with the bird at the same time, and it is also our responsibility to appease your injured little heart.

I accidentally said so much. As the saying goes, people have left their names, and Yan Guo has left their voices. It is time to leave their own names.

Hello everyone, my name is Xi’an Tongkai Electronic Technology Co. Ltd and we focus on researching and producing bird repeller for different use for 14 years.

My nickname is Xi’an Tongkai, and when I search online, the support rate is wow, who knows who uses it!

