DPoS Staking: FAQ

Published in
4 min readDec 6, 2018


Can I stake any amount of CHX?

Yes. However, the validator reward is distributed only to the top 100 stakes, even if there are more than 100 stakers.

Does this mean minimum amount for staking is 5000 CHX?

No. Any amount can be staked and will get the reward, so long as it is in top 100.

Why would more than 100 people put stake on a validator?

Those under the top 100 could jump into top 100 if the bigger stakes above them are revoked. Alternatively, those under the top 100 could go and vote for other validators where they have a chance to get into the top 100.

How can multiple people run a joint node?

Let’s create an example to demonstrate: Alice, Bob and Charlie rent a server together, install the validator and configure it to share 100% of rewards. Alice stakes 200k, Bob stakes 200k, Charlie stakes 100k.

Alice gets 40% of reward, Bob gets 40% of reward, Charlie gets 20% of reward.

Can I delegate stake to a validator without its approval?

Yes. However, if the validator is configured not to share reward, you won’t get any reward.

Is there a minimum collateral for the one who runs the node?

Yes. The validator address must have 10,000 CHX on available balance to be locked in deposit, which will be slashed if malicious behaviour is detected, or otherwise released upon removing the validator (which is possible 10 config blocks after the validator becomes inactive).

What’s the maximum amount a validator can have at stake?

No maximum. Theoretical maximum is total supply though!

Do I need to have a machine with 16 CPU cores to be able to run a validator?

No. The recommended configuration is just a guideline and it’s not enforced. However, if a validator runs on a machine with low computational power, it might not be able to catch up and propose the block on time, which leads to missed rewards.

Why don’t all validators get the reward for the proposed block, just the proposer?

We want to make sure validators are online and responsive. Sharing the reward from every block would mean no incentive for active participation and would lead to slower network.

Will “misbehaving” validators be punished?

Yes, but details will be shared upon main-net release.

How do I apply to run a validator?

By submitting a transaction through the wallet, with which the validator network address is registered.

How do I configure a validator?

1. You set-up the server to run the validator software and configure it to run under blockchain address A (in config).

2. You submit a Tx signed by PK(A) in which you set the network address of the node (e.g. validator1.foo.com:25718).

3. You are listed under potential validators, but your node is not participating in the consensus yet.

4. People start delegating CHX to your node’s address A.

5. Eventually you’re in the top 100 and you participate in the consensus.

How can I apply for beta testing?

This will be announced in the near future.

Does having more at stake increase the chance of being chosen as a block proposer?

No. Stakes are used to determine the top 100 active validators, but those 100 have equal chance.

Does having more at stake increase the reward?

No. Reward depends on the amount of fees in the transactions contained in the proposed block.

When are rewards distributed?

At every block, according to the stakes at that point in time.

Does a node earn a reward on testnet?

Yes, but that reward has no financial value, because CHX on testnet has no financial value.

What will prevent a small amount of validators from getting all the stakers?

As previously mentioned, our payout to the top 100 stakers only.

Since there is no CHX requirement to start a validator node candidate, how can you prevent couple of big players from starting lots of validators and get all the stakers?

In short, this cannot be prevented. However, competition will be much healthier this way than it would be if starting a candidate node requires high collateral, because that would give big holders an unfair advantage.

If there are more than 100 validators with >= 500k CHX at stake, will they all participate in consensus?

No. Only the top 100 validators by stake will be the active ones participating in the consensus.

Do I get any reward if I run a client node?

No. Client nodes just serve as an entry point to the network, by enabling Tx submission and querying of the blockchain state.

Do I need to run a client node to get the rewards from my delegated stakes?

No. It is enough to delegate the stake by submitting a transaction through the wallet.

Is my delegated CHX exposed to higher risk?

No. CHX is still part of your balance. However, you cannot transfer it or delegate it to other validator until the delegation is revoked.

The rest of the balance is available.


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