Taking OWNership: Mid-November key technology updates

Published in
4 min readNov 20, 2018


After a flurry of activity getting our Decentralised Share Register live, we’ve been working on various new DSR reporting tools this fortnight, to help businesses gain greater insight into their investor database.

To enable us to keep working at such a rapid pace, we’ve also been looking into our working processes, and how we can develop, test and deploy new functionality quickly without compromising the software that’s already live. Read on to discover how we’ve achieved this…

What we’ve been up to — our key developments in summary

  • Architecture and dev-ops
  • Moving applications to the new front-end theme
  • Process automation
  • Decentralised Share Register (DSR)
  • White-label design features
  • Campaign selection reporter
  • Quorum reports
  • Public reports

Responsive development

One interesting practical change we’ve made in recent weeks is moving applications over to our new front-end theme. This enables our application to be more responsive and ensures it works on different devices such as desktop computers, laptops and mobile phones.

We’re making sure to use standard components in our architecture for flexible development, which in turn will increase throughput from the front-end team — so we can get new functionality out to our community faster.

Process automation

Another area we’ve been working on recently is improvements on our deployment process, automating elements to speed up the roll-out of new functions. We now use an approach called container-based deployment, where we package up the whole run-time environment our application needs to run.

This deployment methodology is an efficient way of releasing new updates. As everything the application needs is packaged in one container, it is less prone to errors. This also means that there is no downtime for our existing technology, because everything we need to deploy is in one place.

Our technology, your brand

Our Decentralised Share Register (DSR) has attracted a lot of interest since its launch a few weeks ago, and we’re continually adding features to help market operators and businesses build closer relationships with their investors.

One of the biggest updates this fortnight is the ability to white-label our DSR platform. This means our clients (market operators) can customise key visual elements of the application — including the colours and fonts and company logo — so that it has the same feel as their brand website. This way, when investors log on to check their share information, they feel that they are in familiar trusted surroundings.

New investor engagement tools

In another important update, we’ve just rolled out two new reports, which will help businesses to better understand and engage with their investors.

Our campaign selection report enables companies to break down their investor database using key differentiators such as age, gender, location and holding. This information can then be exported into a CSV file or excel spreadsheet for segmented marketing campaign purposes.

Additionally, our new quorum report helps organisations to analyse which investors they need to influence in order to secure voting resolutions.

Businesses can use the on-screen slider to select what percentage of their total holding must vote a certain way for the resolution to be passed. The quorum report will dynamically adjust a list of which shareholders comprise that percentage of the database, so companies know exactly who they should target.

As with the campaign selection report, the list of investors generated by the quorum report can be exported in a CSV file or excel spreadsheet, which company executives can then use to contact those shareholders or set up individual meetings.

What does the DSR community look like?

Last but by no means least, we’ve added a new public analytics report to our website homepage this fortnight, providing a useful snapshot into what the Own DSR community looks like at this point in time.

Anyone who visits the Own website can view the report by clicking on the analytics button underneath the running total of businesses and investors that have signed up to the DSR so far.

This reveals key insights into both the companies in our network, and their shareholders. For example, the majority of investors using the DSR at present are individuals rather than companies, and the biggest demographic is Millennials — a notoriously challenging age group to engage when it comes to investment.

What else would you like to know about our technology? Send your suggestions to hello@weown.com to influence our next update.


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