From 2D Assets to Immersive Stores — Virtualizing E-commerce with Web3D

6 min readAug 10, 2023

Currently valued at $2.8 trillion, the e-commerce industry has transformed the way we shop globally. Online shopping is something most people are used to and cannot imagine having it any other way. The convenience is unparalleled. Can it get even better? The answer is — yes!

The majority of online stores function via photos, product descriptions and websites built on 2D screen interfaces. The 2D experience has served well for a period of time, but now we understand that it limits customers’ ability to truly see and interact with products. That leaves potential for immersive experiences to boost both engagement and sales. Emerging technologies able to deliver 3D and virtual reality are now making the transition from 2D to 3D and fully immersive e-commerce possible. Known as Web3D, these tools allow businesses to incorporate 3D graphics and extended reality directly into their online stores and platforms. One such platform is ours.

By virtualizing the online shopping experience using Web3D, retailers have the opportunity to offer customers numerous benefits currently lacking in 2D e-commerce. Viewing products from every angle, visualizing hard-to-convey product features, simulating how items work, and gaining a much richer sense of what it would be like to buy and use products. These are ultimately the promises of Web3D — elevated online shopping experience, a new level of visualization, simulation and even virtual participation.

Today’s focus is on the limitations of current 2D e-commerce, the benefits of 3D and Web3D for online retail and how businesses can transition assets and platforms to utilize these technologies. What is relevant for Web3D implementation methods and what future possibilities of fully virtualized and immersive online stores lie ahead and reshape the entire e-commerce industry.

The E-commerce Assets at the Moment

Online retailers rely on visualizing their inventory, often from only a single angle. Pairing these images with written descriptions, websites provide limited spatial information about products. This is sufficient for basic purposes, but the restrictive for truly demonstrating and selling products through digital channels. 2D doesn’t convey product’s full shape, depth, size, and detail from multiple vantage points. Limited visual cues in photos and flat text make it difficult for customers to really grasp how products will actually look, function and integrate.

These deficiencies hinder customers’ ability to become fully informed and confident in their purchase decisions. And as the online shopping habits become more ingrained and customers get bored, brands loose engagement, because they don’t fully engage their audience — at least not up to the possibility as they could.

Benefits of Interactive Web3D Commerce

The integration of 3D and Web3D technologies in e-commerce brings many benefits. One of them is heightened engagement and interest achieved through immersive experiences. When customers interact with products in 3D, it captivates their attention and forms a stable interest (based on prolonged engagement) with the items they want to purchase. If they are able to view the products from multiple angles, it adds a sense of realism. Shoppers can virtually inspect the items as if they were holding them in their hands. Reports suggest that it is due to instilling confidence in the product’s quality but also reducing uncertainty that accompanies every online purchase.

Web3D enables easier visualization of product features and options. Detailed 3D models allow customers to understand the product’s functionalities, design and aesthetics. The simulation technology creates elaborate demonstrations, allowing businesses to showcase complex products and services effectively. This is an interactive approach that aids communicating product benefits and value propositions, which leads to increased conversions to sales.

A noteworthy advantage of Web3D is the efficiency of virtual product trials. Virtual try-ons show products like apparel, accessories, or furniture how they will look on or fit in space. The likelihood of returns goes down, which benefits both consumers and businesses. Embracing these advancements in e-commerce is a strategic move that not only sets businesses apart but also reflects a commitment to innovation and customer-centricity.

Products as virtual 3D assets right in your home

Venturing Beyond the Flatland

When developing 3D product models, companies have two main options: creating them in-house or sourcing them from suppliers. While in-house development provides greater control over the creative process and customization, partnering with skilled suppliers can save time and resources, especially for complex products. To expedite the transition, companies can convert existing 2D photos into immersive 3D models. Creating 360° virtual tours takes the experience a step further, granting customers a panoramic and in-depth exploration of products or spaces. Another option is to integrate a 3D product visualizer that enables shoppers to personalize products, such as customizing colors, materials and features. In this context, XR technologies are the real game changer making things immersive. In VR, customers can virtually interact with products in lifelike environments, and AR, on the other hand, enables visualization of products in their real-world context, allowing them to gauge size, fit, and compatibility with their surroundings.

Augmented reality-enhanced product viewing

Building with Web3D Technology

Implementing Web3D technologies is a strategic move that revolutionizes the way digital content is delivered and consumed on the web. Key to this are 3D file formats like glTF and X3D, which make the efficient transmission and rendering of 3D models across various platforms possible. These formats ensure that the visual fidelity and interactivity of 3D content remain intact, providing a seamless experience to users.

With technologies like WebGL and WebXR, developers are empowered to deliver browser-based 3D experiences, making it accessible to a wider audience without the need for additional software installations. Interactive 3D components support engagement and empower users to manipulate objects, personalize products, and explore content in a dynamic and user-driven manner.

Effectively implementing Web3D technologies can help scale up and make company’s online presence more interesting for customers, and of course, stay at the forefront of digital innovation. When the market demands changes, businesses must act to stay relevant and not go out of business.

Development of high-quality 3D models and interactive experiences can be demanding, financially and skill-wise. We oftentimes deal with technical challenges and complexity that comes along, figuring out the best possible configuration to power real-time interactivity. A seamless user experience should be paramount, especially for those without VR hardware. There is always a solution, no matter how complex the case.

Finding ways to make the 3D content accessible to a broader audience can be based for example on WebXR, which is what we employ at OWNverse. Striking a balance between investments, technical capabilities, and accessibility considerations is the key if merchants want to capitalize on the benefits of 3D content.

Down the Road

The challenges are nothing compared to what the future of e-commerce looks like when 3D-enhanced. Just imagine walking into a full virtual store through VR or AR, where you can browse and interact with products as if you were physically present. No more guessing how clothes or accessories will look on you. The immersive product simulation and configuration bring personalization and content tailoring, enabling you to tailor products to your preferences and needs.

Want to see every angle of that gadget you’ve been eyeing? True 360-degree product visualization allows you to inspect the item in detail, ensuring you know exactly what you’re getting. That is a fully virtualized online shopping experience, where you can explore, engage and purchase products in a dynamic and interactive virtual world. Besides convenience, that sounds incredibly fun!

Virtualization of stores online emerges as the next frontier in e-commerce. Fully virtual 3D-enhanced stores will be the new standard, presumably, in a few years down the road. That’s an unparalleled opportunity to create memorable and customer-centric shopping journeys.

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