Laravel 8 Installation Guide — PHP Framework

Online Web Tutor
2 min readOct 9, 2020

Laravel is an open source widely used PHP Framework for web applications. It’s syntax, working principle is so much expressive and elegant. Development of web application in Laravel framework nowdays very popular among developers. Laravel is packed of strong features and/or module for the development environment.

Laravel first version was released at June 2011. Now, it’s Laravel 8 (8th Sept 2020). Every version of this framework brings lots of new features which reduces development effort and develop an application too much faster.

Inside this article we will see Laravel 8 Installation. This step by step guide helps you to understand about the Laravel system and application needed requirements before digging into application development.

Let’s get started.

System Requirements — Laravel 8 Framework

While working and/or developing any application in laravel 8 version. We should have some PHP and system configuration need.

Before going to Laravel 8 Installation, we have to make sure of these following configuration.

  • PHP & Server Configuration
  • Composer Installation (For more Click here)

PHP & It’s Exentions

Here are some needed PHP and it’s extension needed configuration that we must need before go with Laravel 8.

  • PHP Version >= 7.3
  • BCMath PHP Extension
  • Ctype PHP Extension
  • Fileinfo PHP extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • Mbstring PHP Extension
  • OpenSSL PHP Extension
  • PDO PHP Extension
  • Tokenizer PHP Extension
  • XML PHP Extension

How to Install PHP ≥ 7.3 Click here for complete guide.

Laravel 8 Installation

As from the following above steps, we have successfully installed PHP, it’s extension and composer.

Now, we can install Laravel 8 to system. Laravel Installation can be done in two ways.

  • Laravel Installer
  • By using composer

Laravel Installer

To install Laravel via Laravel installer, we need to install it’s installer first. We need to make use of composer for that.

$ composer global require laravel/installer

This command will install laravel installer at system. This installation is at global scope, so you type command from any directory at terminal. To verify type the given command –

$ laravel

This command will open a command palette of Laravel Installer.

To create ad install laravel project in system,

$ laravel new blog

With the name of blog a laravel project will be created at your specified path.

By using composer

Alternatively, we can also install Laravel by Composer command create-project. Here is the complete command to create a laravel project-

composer create-project — prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog

After following these steps we can install a Laravel 8 applicaton into system. To start the development server of Laravel –

$ php artisan serve

This command outputs –

Starting Laravel development server:

For more details, click here for Laravel 8 installation in detail



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