Kaycee Owunna
3 min readOct 11, 2021


Due to DeFi's continuous growth and development over the years, LP have to face the unending difficulties associated with AMM swapping which may in turn lead them to the brink of liquidation or lower capital utilization.

For this reason is SIL, DeFi's first LP merger entirely formed.
SIL is set out to tackle these problems by sharing volatility (yield) or individual volatility (hedging).

Products of SIL
The core products of SIL includes;
1. ETH-BSC Bridging
2. NFT
3. Hedging
4. Yield

But this article will be focusing more on Yield and hedge products.

What can i refer SIL_Finance as?

SIL (a.k.a Sister In Law) is a single sided yield aggregator (1 click hedging) with adventurous practical NFT farming card additional items, SIL is determined to serve its users efficiently by selecting and setting users up with product that best fit their interests.

How safe is Sil_Finance?

After undergoing rigorous Audits it's safe to say that Sil_Finance is a solid project. SIL is open sourced, you can refer to the Opensource details.

• SIL’s Hedging
What should be clear is that in the HEDGING mode, when traders withdraw(release their LP), the quantity of tokens showed on the UI interface is by and large how much the client will get, and there will be no temporary misfortune relief.

SIL hedging mode has XRP/BNB as well as TKO/BNB mining pool live now.

The benefits of using SIL’s hedging involves the following :

1. Users can't get liquidated while using SIL’s hedging, it has a mild curve as the UNI v2 curve
2. Relative price(A/B assets) impact (rate) will be reduced to \sqrt{rate}
It shouldn't come as a surprise that one of the core features of SIL is to bet on long or/and short, the best practice is to stake long-term bullish, short-term bearish assets. They tend to effectively use the AMM protocol and and SIL’s LP composition at the same time to achieve these.
At the moment, SIL’s HEDGING mode is available on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain. Each chain supports different trading pairs on different swaps, but the mechanism is the same.

• SIL's Yield

SIL Yield mode is based on AMM protocol(UNIv2) and SIL’s LP composition and SIL's auto-compound and and SIL's IL Mitigation all at the same time. It doesn't require users to have pre-judgements of the market or sort, just deposit and earn.

SIL’s Yield Mode is quite stable, and reducing IL at the same time. Users don't need to worry about counter-party assests as they deposit single sided tokens.
At the moment, SIL’s Yield Mode has been launched on Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain and OkexChain. Each chain supports different trading pairs on different swaps.

SIL Augmented Functional NFT (SAFN)
SAFN operates in the same manner as in yield and hedging mode, the only difference is in the buttons location.

There are only two SAFN

1. Buff cards: have increased effects on the rate of SIL being produced. There's a Stack Limits 0/3, Buff Ceiling 24%.
2. Debuff cards have reduced effects on the rate at which SIL is produced. There's a stac limit of Limits 0/2, Buff Floor 0.5%.

SIL's Native toke ($SIL)
A paramount aspect of this project is it's native token $SIL, but it's currently not on any exchange yet.
team consisting of dedicated developers, financial professionals and community enthusiasts in form of DAO, You can currently trade $SIL on pancakeswap.

To know more about SIL, visit any of the links below;

Where to trade SIL

Medium: https://sil-finance.medium.com/
👯‍♀️Discord: https://discord.gg/jq7CpjkWUm
👯‍♀️Github: https://github.com/sil-finance