The 1st African American Bachelorette

Petra Owusu
2 min readMar 17, 2017

Rachel Lindsay competed for the heart of Nick Viall in the 21st season of the Bachelor. This season Rachel made many firsts. In the 21st season, there were more colored women contestants than any other season, Rachel was the first African-American to be given the first impression rose and now she is the first African-American Bachelorette. Sadly, people only see her as just the black bachelorette. There are a lot more qualities that Rachel has that make her an amazing bachelorette. People are so fixated on race that one thing like being the first black bachelorette is seen as a breakthrough. Even though it is a very good thing for the Bachelor franchise, people should learn that all races should be able to find love in whatever way possible.

Rachel Lindsay, Season 13 Bachelorette


Why do viewers doubt that Bachelor relationships will last?

I think people do not think that the relationships will last because of the way those relationships came to be. Since they are heavily displayed on national television, viewers can doubt the reality of these certain situations and if it is, “love” or just being fake for the camera. Even though have been many relationships that justify that claim, there are also ones that defy it. For example, Trista Rehn who was the first Bachelorette in 2003 is still married to the winner Ryan Sutter and they have two kids. They are living the “happily ever after” despite people’s speculations about the show.

Why do you think it has taken so long to have a non-white lead in the Bachelor franchise?

I honestly find it hard to answer why this has taken so long. I feel that everyone who wants to find love deserves it and love knows no race. It is hard to believe that is has taken people 15 years to realize that. People keep labeling Lindsay as “The First African American Bachelorette”, but she sees it as a humbling experience to find love. Many of the past contestants say that Rachel’s personality and the way she carries herself are how she should be seen as the bachelorette and not just black.

