Pressable Free Trial 2024 (Try It For 30 Days Nowđź’°)

Kabir Singh
5 min readMar 29, 2024


Looking to try Pressable risk-free?

You can activate a Pressable free trial in April 2024 by following the simple steps mentioned below or clicking the exclusive free trial link to activate.

(30-Days) Pressable Free Trial 2024

Discover the benefits of Pressable Free Trial and their hosting services with a 30-day trial offer for 2024. Experience their reliable WordPress hosting with a money-back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied.


How to Activate Your Pressable Free Trial in 2024?

Follow these simple steps to start your Pressable Free Trial:

Step 1: Visit the Pressable Website: Navigate to the Pressable website and click on either the “Find your plan” or “Pricing” tab.

Step 2: Select Your Plan: Click on the plan that best suits your needs to proceed.

Step 3: Sign Up on the following page and provide your details, payment information, and billing address to create your account.

Step 4: Click on the “Complete order” button to finalize the transaction.

Congratulations! You’re now enrolled in the Pressable free trial, which is valid for 30 days and comes with a money-back guarantee.

Remember: The money-back-guarantee is only applicable if you cancel within the 30-day trial period.


About Pressable

Pressable stands out as a premier WordPress hosting provider renowned for its reliability and outstanding customer service.

With Pressable, your website stays online and performs smoothly, even during peak traffic periods.

Their user-friendly interface and dedicated support team make website management effortless, catering to both beginners and experienced users alike.

Pressable Pricing and Plans Breakdown

Choosing the right plan is crucial when considering Pressable’s offerings. Here’s a breakdown to help you make an informed decision:

Personal Plan ($25.00 USD/Month)

  • Resources: 1 website, 20 GB storage, 30,000 visits/month
  • Ideal for individuals and small businesses starting out.

Starter Plan ($45.00 USD/Month)

  • Resources: 3 websites, 30 GB storage, 50,000 visits/month
  • Ideal for small businesses and growing websites.

Advanced Plan ($60.00 USD/Month)

  • Resources: 5 websites, 35 GB storage, 75,000 visits/month
  • Ideal for growing businesses with moderate traffic.

Pro Plan ($90.00 USD/Month)

  • Resources: 10 websites, 50 GB storage, 150,000 visits/month
  • Ideal for businesses with multiple websites and moderate to high traffic.

Premium Plan ($155.00 USD/Month)

  • Resources: 20 websites, 80 GB storage, 400,000 visits/month
  • Ideal for established businesses and agencies with a significant online presence.

Business Plan ($350.00 USD/Month)

  • Resources: 50 websites, 200 GB storage, 1,000,000 visits/month
  • Ideal for large enterprises and organizations with multiple websites and high traffic.

Business 80 Plan ($545.00 USD/Month)

  • Resources: 80 websites, 275 GB storage, 1,600,000 visits/month
  • Ideal for larger enterprises and agencies with extensive web presence and high traffic requirements.

Business 100 Plan ($675.00 USD/Month)

  • Resources: 100 websites, 325 GB storage, 2,000,000 visits/month
  • Ideal for businesses requiring extensive hosting capabilities and resources.

Custom Plan (Customized based on your requirements)

  • Resources: Tailored to your specific needs and budget.
  • Ideal for businesses or individuals with unique hosting requirements.


Features and Benefits of Pressable’s Free Trial

Pressable’s free trial offers a comprehensive preview of its services, empowering users to explore without commitment. Here’s what you can expect:

  • WordPress Optimized Hosting: Tailored environments for peak WordPress performance.
  • Jetpack Premium: Access advanced security and performance tools.
  • CDN and SSL Certificates: Enhanced security and faster load times with included CDN and SSL services.
  • Staging Environments: Safely test changes without affecting the live site.
  • Daily Backups: Automatic daily backups for peace of mind.

Utilizing these features during the trial period fosters confidence in trying new things without fear of setbacks. The availability of expert support, even during the trial, underscores Pressable’s commitment to user satisfaction.

Conclusion: Embrace the Pressable Free Trial

Seize the opportunity to explore Pressable’s hosting services risk-free throughout March 2024.

Take advantage of the 30-day Pressable trial to evaluate if Pressable aligns with your needs. Don’t miss out on experiencing what Pressable has to offer without any obligations.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up for Pressable’s free trial?

To sign up, visit the Pressable website, select the trial option, and provide the required information. Your free hosting account will be activated within a day or two.

What features are included in Pressable’s free trial?

Pressable’s free trial includes managed hosting capabilities, expert support, performance optimization, and reliability. Depending on the plan, additional features like free email services and subdomain hosting may be available.

Can I upgrade to a paid hosting plan after the free trial?

Yes, you can seamlessly transition to a paid plan after the trial period ends. Pressable offers various plans tailored to different needs, ensuring a smooth upgrade process.

Are there resources available to help me get started with Pressable?

Pressable provides comprehensive resources, including guides, tech updates, and customer support, to assist users in maximizing their hosting experience.

How does Pressable’s managed hosting compare to other services?

Pressable’s managed hosting stands out for its advanced capabilities, expert support, and high performance. It’s favourably reviewed compared to other services, particularly for those seeking a managed WordPress hosting solution.

What factors should I consider when choosing a plan after the free trial?

When selecting a plan, consider your website’s size, traffic, and specific requirements. Evaluate disk space, domain options, and additional features to support your website’s growth and performance.

Who owns Pressable?

Pressable is owned by Automattic, the creator of WordPress.

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Kabir Singh

Hi, this is Kabir Singh and I love to write about tech related things which keeps me busy all the day