Can a online payday loan garnish my wages if I am already in a chapter 13?

26 min readApr 10, 2019


Can a online payday loan garnish my wages if I am already in a chapter 13?

Answer : .

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“”If I got a loan of $1000 (for personal use), would I have to pay much back on top of that?””
I do not have any debts, apart from Centrelink (which I am no longer taking support from as my uncle gives me a weekly allowance), so I pay them only $60 a fortnight. I have an event coming up and would like to purchase a camera beforehand, so I need money fast. The only thing I’m worried about is the amount that I’d have to pay back on top of the $1000. I don’t know if she was trying to scare me or not, but my nanna said that I’d be paying it back my whole life (really?) if I borrowed that amount from a bank. I am a full-time student and do not work. I will easily be able to pay this amount back within 4 months or so. Also, does anyone know the comparisons or borrowing from an Australian bank vs Cash Converters? Sorry for all the questions, but I dont’t know much about banks and finance. Cheers! : )””
How do I fix my credit?
I want to know where to start. I have 2 unpaid credit cards, 2 unpaid bank overdrafts, and a unpaid cable bill.I had a really good paying job that allowed me have all these things and then I got fired due to budget cuts and it took me a 6 months to find a new one and I just got to far behind . I haven’t had anything else put on my credit since 2010 and I don’t plan to b/c I want to fix my credit before I do. I really just want to know who to speak to so that I can start repairing it. I plan to graduate from college in May of 2012 and I want my credit fixed by then.””

The goal of the consolidation process is for:?
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“”I have a 332 credit score, is my life over?
I have about 20K in debt & there is no way i’ll be able to pay it off. I am a resposible person I just made bad decisions when I was 18 and took out a car loan and 3 different credit cards. Along with a hospital bill. Should I file bankrupcy and try to start over in 7 years or do I need to move to Canada or something because I will no longer have a chance to have anything nice or decent for the rest of my life?
If i file bankruptcy will it effect my husband?
ok heres a look into what I am dealing with.. I have 4 store credit cards that have gone into collections and also a hospital bill that is in collections. & I also have a car loan. I recently got married June of 2010. My husband and I bought my dads house after he passed away. We have it completly paid off and it is in my husbands name. We purchased the house in July. I am 21 and my husband is 24. if i did file bankruptcy, will it effect my husband? & could it effect our house?””

My dad co signed a credit card with someone who already filed for bankruptcy?
He co signed with my uncle who already filed for bankruptcy, so his wife who has $7000 sole savings would not find out and for them not to fight. Yet, my mom and dad here are fighting because of all the loaning my dad is doing to my uncle. He keeps on loaning money borrowed from a high interest credit card to my uncle, where it’s us who gets penalized with the fees because my uncle doesn’t want his wife to know that he needs money. The balance on this credit card is already $4600 and with my uncle credit credibility, wouldn’t you worry? If he goes on and cannot control his spending again, who are they gonna come after? My dad. I hate my dad for prioritizing my uncle’s marriage and said I rather me and my wife fight than for my uncle and his wife to fight. Isn’t he retarded? BTW, we are dirt poor. If you add up our debt, it will be around 27–30,000$ without including the interest and out monthly expense on a minimum wage salary is about $2500.””
Living with bankrupt boyfriend?
My boyfriend has worked for himself for years and told me yesterday that he had been audited and now owes the Canadian government $60,000 and the interest accumulated over 8 years bringing his grand total to $160,000. He is speaking with a trustee but through research and conversations with Canada Revenue Agency, it seems that his best option may be bankruptcy. I’m a flood of emotions and questions, some of which I resolved through a bit of research. I love the man and I don’t think I would be able to abandon him in his time of need. We live 1.5 away from eachother and only see eachother on the weekends and had been discussing him moving to my city to live together, prior to this revelation. If have nipped this in the bud because I do not want to put myself in the line of fire. Neither of us own a house but we do both have vehicles that are paid for. I have a tidy sum in my savings and own an entire houshold of nice furniture etc. **HYPOTHETICALLY** If we at any point move in together am I at risk of having my belongings or savings seized by Canada Revenue Agency becuase we share that same residence? If so, how can I proove that they belong to me and not him if need be? Is there a time frame between when he files for bankruptcy and when moving in with him will pose no risk? I am just asking because I was really excited to start the next chapter of my life with this man and now my dreams feel dashed, maybe I’m looking for hope. Please, some advice would be appreciated.””
Any luck with bankofamerica auto loans?
hello im considering getting a auto loan for a car for about 8000. im pretty sure i dont have credit. i know they need proof of a job, i know i can pay it off. my bank is bankofamerica. does anyone have good things to say about them. i know some places are rip offs.””
Hi i got 2 payday loans and i cant pay them what will happen to them if i cancel my bank card ?

“”About 4 years ago i need fast cash so i took out a payday loan, since than i have about 9 outstanding loans ,?””
my bank also allowed me a 500.00 cash advance, i did this about a year. one month i couldnt draw from accontt, thats where everthing fell apart, i had to close my account called all my payloans some well work me some wont, i cant pay all at one time can someone tell me what my rights are i signed some notes i cant full iam on ssi pleas advise. thankyou””
How can i get financed with a 625 credit score?
I’ve recently checked my credit score and it was a 625….this has gone up considerably in the last 10 months. In November of 2008 I was at 455. I’ve spent a lot of time working overtime to pay off debts and my father in law took out a loan for my car and I’ve been paying him $400 a month which is double the car note. It was embarrassing enough to have to ask him in the first place. I went to see if I could finally get financed myself and still got denied. The reason why my score went up is because I paid off nearly 12,000 dollars of my debt and disputed about 4,000 dollars worth that was removed. is there anything else i can do to up my credit score to get this loan.””


By filing chapter 7 personal bankruptcy including business credit card debt?
By filing personal bankruptcy (chapter 7) including business credit card debts with personal guarentees; do I also have to file for business chapter 11 bankruptcy because of these same credit cards or will the pesonal filing take care of them without involving my business?

Is it a good idea to get the free credit reports? Yahoo has one on there mail page…?
for a free credit report for whatever 30 days or the small print is. Is it smart to get this a few times in 30 days then cancel the service? Does this hurt your credit rating? We have great credit but we have not looked at it in over a year so I want to make sure we are still in the excellent credit zone””””. Thanks!!!””””””
Can i buy two separate houses on one home loan?
say i’m approved for a 200K home loan, and there are two houses for 80k each, can i get two on one loan? if not could i buy one home for 80K, they reapply for another loan and get approved for close to another 120K? i have been told i will most likelyy be approved for 200K, i would like”””” two buy two 80k homes close toeach otherer on one loan. is that possible?””””””

Questions about filing bankruptcy?
I live in California and in debt to the point I can no longer make ends meet. I cannot afford an attorney so I am following this website: However it has not answered all my questions: I have an auto loan I want to keep because I don’t want to lose my car. Can I exclude my car loan? If not, will I lose my car? I have some credit cards with 0 balance, do I still put them on there? Can you add your IRS taxes to your claim? I found the website with all the available court forms, which ones do I download? court forms:""
“”Auto loan at 18,000 at 18% for 48 months?

Are companies with credit card info on file allowed to charge it without authorization? DIRECTV?
The lease addendum is different than the customer agreement. All I signed was a lease addendum which says that I will have to pay early termination fees. I am willing to do that. Directv said that the customer agreement is what holds the information about my credit card being charged if I don’t pay within 6 days. I never received that. I only signed 2 papers at the time of installation. An equipment certificate stating the equipment was installed and a lease addendum which again refers to the equipment. The equipment is what the early termination fee is covering. I have no customer agreement because they have never sent me one.
How can I find out if I have outstanding payday loans?
I know that I have gotten some online payday loans and didn’t pay them all off because of some personal problems that were going on at that time, but I would like to pay them off now, but I don’t remember who they were. Is there a way that I can find out if I have outstanding online payday loans?””
Did u file Chapter 13 Bankruptcy and was it worth it to you?

“Can a online payday loan garnish my wages if I am already in a chapter 13?

How do you get free annual credit reports form the bureaus?

“”Wife, sister and me are on a home loan, my wife and I are getting divorce!!?””
I want to keep the house and my wife is willing to relinquish her part of equity on the house in return for other assets, is there anything she can sign and will that protect me and my sister if she goes bankruptcy in the future?? thanks””
Is it worth it to refinance my auto loan? see details….?
My current auto loan is at 9.1 % interest and was for 60 months. It has been one year and all my payments have been on time and I have good credit. I would have the opportunity to refinance at 7.99% for the remaining 48 months. Would this be worth the hassle? How much would I even save?
How to get credit benefits of auto loan while paying in cash?
I want to buy a car. I want to pay cash. But I was to be able to gain the benefits to my credit of having an auto loan and paying it off successfully. Is there anyway to do this? Would it be bad to open a loan and then pay it off in full the next month? If it matters, I live in Arizona, and would probably be paying about $10,000 for a car. I just don’t want to have to deal with an auto loan but I want to show that I am fiscally responsible person when the time comes to purchase a house, and lenders can see that I have paid off a car that was on a loan. Is there any easy way of doing this, or repercussions to paying off a loan so quickly? Thank you!””

I owe a loan shark 3000 and he thinks i have 1500 for him tomorrow but i have nothing what can i do?
I am seriously scared, i originally borrowed money off him to get my through 1 month and then couldnt afford to pay him back and then borrowed more off him and tried to win gambling and completely messed up, im genuinely scared im 20 still live with my parents and i really dont want them to have to have this hassle. I work but only earn 35 a day and need petrol money to get to work and stuff, i feel so anxious and scared and like theres just nothing left for me anymore, what the hell can you do in this situation!?!?? i dont even know how this has happened so badly. I cant face waking up at half 6 for work everyday for nothing, makes me life meaningless.””
Can I get an auto loan?
I just recently (within the past month) was approved for my first credit card, a student card from usaa. Since that has been my only bit of credit, could I apply for an auto loan? The amount isn’t large, less than $5000, I just don’t want to apply just to get denied and lower my credit score. Also, I am 19 years old and tired of using my parent’s car, and I have a good, reliable job as Pharmacy Technician.””
What is the easiest way to get credit if you have NO credit?
I am trying my hardest to figure a way to get credit, but its almost impossible to get credit if no one will offer you a way to get credit.. i apply for credit cards and get denied everything i do is a NO… what in the world do i do??? i need a way to get credit….””
Best auto loans financing???
i also have a credit score of 690–700 im not sure but its around there.
Has anyone had an approved homestudy with a recent bankruptcy?
we are seeking to adopt from foster care. from the listing of children who have no parent due to the parent rights being terminated. they are considered wards of the state. usually they have been in foster care a long time and are usually classified as a special needs child.(however, special needs could mean just about anything, like being born drug addicted, being over 6 years old or being black. crazy isn’t it, but these are the states definitions. ) so we are seriously committed to giving a few of these children a home. HOWEVER……. we do have a previous bankruptcy due to medical bills associated with my health and the stillbirth of our son, as well as a credit card that wouldnt work with us. we used the credit card for a lot of things when my husband was laid off from verizon several years ago. but we are totally budgeted, we are financially sound and only owe for our home mortgage. has anyone had a situation with a homestudy that looked bad but they approved you anyway?””
“”If I filed for bankruptcy, what would it effect?””
My credit score…well, it’s bad. I had a bunch of utilties from when I was 17 and 18 living on my own, and not caring about my credit, and hospital bills and medical bills and student loans bills. I don’t know the exact amount of my debt. But it’s big. But now my husband and I would like to buy a house. What would be the advantages in filing for bankruptcy in this situation? Would it hurt more than help? Will it affect anything if my husband and I actually try to buy a house? Will filing affect my credit score? Are there other options? Also- what EXACTLY happens in a bankruptcy? the bills just…disappear?!””
Question about what can be filed in bankruptcy?
It’s $20,000 that’s why it’s not something I can just go pay! Been making payments but it wont be paid off for years.. “”
Good Site for a No Fax Cash Advance?
Whats a good one? Is it cheaper than ‘real’ loan places?
How do I find a payoff on a car loan at fifth third bank?

House buying while under bankruptcy?
Is it legal to buy a house while under chapter 13 bankruptcy? Currently have a mortgage that is not under the chapter 13 protection, but have recently added on to the family size. We definately need a larger house but don’t know if we can even try to purchase while under chapter 13. We have one more year left in the plan, but with the way house prices are today, we are getting anxious. Can anyone help?””
You get a studen loan a few years after bankruptcy?
My friend has just been accepted to graduate school. He had filed bankruptcy (chapter 7) about 5 years ago. He has not tried to get any credit since. Can he still take out a school loan?
How can I figure out if someone got a credit card under my name?
I have opened a bank account because my parents wanted to put money in my bank account and well the bank has been sending me credit card offer(The applications with it) and my parents wants me to get one so they can use it but I don’t trust my parents(They have a history of screwing me over constantly). I am afraid they will use the credit card and won’t pay the money and screw up my credit (They have already screwed up theirs). I am afraid they opened a card under my name.. I don’t want them to screw up my credit.
Has anyone gotten a loan from National Capital Lending?
I have an offer to get a 20,000 loan from them with a 1400 down payment. Their website is not working. Does anyone have any knowledge of the company? Are they legitimate or will they take my money and disappear? Thanks.””

“”I want to file bankruptcy but i have a leased car in my name for my dad, will i have to surrender the car?
A chapter 7
What happens when you don’t pay back cash advance places?
I owe 2 seperate cash advance places and just can’t pay them back. What will happen?? Will or can they sue me or can I go to jail? I already have bad credit so I’m not really worried about that. By the way this is in California!! Thanks personal exsperience advice wou;d be appreciated…..
Payday Loans???
Yes, i got this payday loan from the internet and it got deposited into my checking account..(i know dumb don’t do this), it was 200 dollars and they call and threaten to turn me over to my local police department for fraud, but which i found out they can’t really do that, i agreed to pay, but i agreed to pay 20 dollars every 2 wks..bu they said that they wouldn’t be able to do that cuz it was a payday loan, and it’s not supposed to be a longterm loan and they would not do it..this loan is from great britian, and i know it was dumb to do, but as long as i am paying something there is nothing that they can do rite cuz i am willing to pay it off rite??? will i still get into trouble and go to jail eventhough i am still paying it off??? please help me out with this one… it is really stressing me out bad and i just found out i’m pregnant 2day…….. please tip i’m to afraid to fo to jail, i’m very good i have never had a criminal record besides tickets….. HELP ME……………””

“”I have a 693 credit score(Transunion). Do you think it is enough to get a 9,000 dollar car?””
I make 2,400 a month. I am single, no kids, and have a roomate. I have been at my current job for 3 yrs now and my bills only come to 750 a month. The car I am looking at is a 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix with 78,000 miles in perfect condition. An older couple traded it in for something newer. I appreciate the feed back.””
Will checking my credit score now reflect poorly in the eyes of a lender?
My husband’s credit score is being checked today by our local bank. Everything we gave information for makes us pre-qualify for a USDA loan, but the only thing the woman at the bank needs to verify is that his credit score is at least 640. I’m losing my mind waiting for her to call us back! She said she probably wouldn’t get back to us until tomorrow. I haven’t checked his score in a couple months — -and when I did, it was about 640. If I found a free credit report website today, would checking his score at the same time that a bank lender is checking it look bad?””
“Can a online payday loan garnish my wages if I am already in a chapter 13?

What is the best way to improve your credit?
I’m a 25 yr old male. Single and i roughed my credit up in the first few years of my adulthood. I’ve now learned the importance of Good Credit””””. I’m looking to buy a new car ans house in the next few months. Is there anything I can do to get my credit score up in a hurry? I’ve actually already paid off 85% of my dilenquent accounts on my own without being prodded””
Exerperian credit report?
I looked at my credit history today and I had to dispute 3 items- for example- credit card totals that Ive already paid off!! 5 months ago. So my question is will they report these disputes to the other 3 credit report agencies or do I have to report to them? One more question once these disputes are corrected will my credit score go up? My score is 655
Is having good credit overrated?
Im 24 years old, almost 25, and since my sophomore year in high school, i began working on building credit. My dad has an 800 credit score and never had a problem financing anything he ever looked at, property or autos, and i was always told never underestimate the power of good credit””””. So since high school i have 4 credit cards in excellent standing””
My auto loan is from a local lender that is not FDIC insured so when I tried to refinance with another?
The lady at Capital One didnt say anything else other than the FDIC thing. After the 2 comments that have been posted as replies Im confused now as to why she said that
Is there a place where i could get an auto loan and add my credit debt to it and make a consolidation loan ?
i dont have great credit and am looking for this type of loan… where do i look?

“”With parental consent,can a 16 year old have an American express credit card?””
I know you must be 18 to have a card on my own but some company let a 16 year old have one if he has parental consent.What about American express? And,I saw a guy says that I cant have an American Express credit card since I dont have other credit card at all that I have to wait at least a year to after making my first card to get the American Express card. Is this true? thanks””
I rang my loan company and they gave me details about my dads loan?
Hi i have a payday loan with wonga, and i rang them to talk about my repayments. They asked my postcode adress name and DOB, so i gave them all of this and the person on the end of the line said i passed data protection. However, when i come to talk about my debt i say i owe 261 and he says, you are aware your loan is over 1200 right? So i say no i think your mistaken, this is my fathers account there are 2 loans at this address. He obviously didn’t do data protection properly so i doubt he can even set up a repayment plan that he offered. Now, I’m thinking of getting legal advice for me and my father… can we sue them or blag them and get our loans written off?””
Does filing bankruptcy affect your tax return?

What’s the difference if filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy vs Chapter 7? Or should I just foreclose on my home?

Interest rate on a car loan after bankruptcy.?
What is the typical interest rate approximately for a car loan for someone who had declared bankruptcy and was discharged 2 years ago?
Need small personal loan bad credit?
My fiance needs to get a small personal loan….but has horrible credit. Im not sure who would be the best company for him to get the money through. I could co sign for him ….but cannot get the loan.Any ideas of who would be easier to get a loan from?

Loan shark needed now orlando?
i need to find a loan shark to borrow 400 dollars right now.will pay back in a week.
Anyone have any updated info on Destination Debt Solutions?
I am about to sign a contract with this company. most of my debt is payday loans- they were the only company that would touch them. Are they legit? Anyone been scammed?
Where can I get an auto loan with little/bad credit?
I am looking at buying from a private seller.
How do I get my name off an auto loan after a divorce?
I just got Divorced and my ex-wife was awarded one of the vehicles and is also been told she is responsible for 100% of the auto loan debt. How do I go about getting my name off the auto loan? Can I just call Capitol One Bank and tell them I am now divorced and she is responsible to take me off the loan?
Online Loans? Safe? No credit check?
I was looking into getting a loan of $1500 or more and I heard from a friend of mine that I could go online & get a loan w/out a credit check & they deposit it over night, but that the interest fee’s are high. I was wondering if it’s safe to do this online, and if what she said was true.””

“”Does anyone have any experience with the Homeowners Advocate loan modification service in San Diego, CA?
I am about to send them some upfront money and I want to hear if anyone’s gotten any results from using their refininancing programs? Thanks for your input!
Paid off auto loan and credit score dropped…?
I keep track of my credit score via the website and last month I had a rating of 740 at the beginning of this month I payed off my truck loan that I had for 6 years, and my credit score dropped to 694, Why did this happen? It seems to me that paying off a loan should have the exact opposite effect on my credit score…””
How long should i wait before i re-finance my auto loan?
When i bought my truck my credit was a 710 for $30,000.00 at a 4.75% interest rate. It is now 2 years later and i owe $21,000.00. My credit is still 710. Should i refinance it for a lower payment yet?””
What is a good intrest rate for an auto loan for a young male at the age of 20 with no credit?
im trying to get financing for a 2006 ford f150 that i want to buy. what is the intrest rate i should be looking at for a 4–5 year loan for $13,000?””
How can I find out my credit score?
How can I find out my credit score safely? Also, how much will it cost or is it free?””
“”Where can you get a persoal loan,not a payday loan,if your credit score isn’t perfect?
Sorry I misspelled personal
“Can a online payday loan garnish my wages if I am already in a chapter 13?

Where should i get my first credit card?
19 years old full time worker (5 out of 7 days 40 hours) Student( 2 out 7 days. 4 classes) Where should i start to build credit as less stressful ?
Refinance auto loan and take out small mortgage — credit effect?
I have good credit. How will it be affected if I refinance an auto loan AND take out a small mortgage, lets say $80k. Will doing both of those at the same time ruin my credit?””

How does FHA streamline refinance work?
I get offers in the mail all the time to lower my interest, I currently have a 6% and the letters usually claim to lower my interest to around 4.5. I purchased my home two years ago with my husband, he is the only one working now, we both have good credit score around 700 and no late payments. our mortgage is with wells fargo , if we refinance would we have to use a different lender””
Loan? for low credit score / with good steady income?
does anyone know of a place i can get a loan for 10,000 i was recently divorced i do have a steady income of 33,000 a year i just don’t want any scams out there . i would not be asking if i had perfect credit my score is very low . i don’t want to go into why my score is low but please serious answers only i wouldn’t be asking if i didn’t need the help . thank you very very much from my heart . please don’t say payday loan / and ive already tried credit union / and my bank they said no because of low credit score again thank you for helping “”
Which is better for building credit? Auto loan or student loan?
I already have a 710 credit score…I am 20 years old…and can honestly do either. The only difference between the two is the auto loan has a higher %rate, and the student loan has a much lower monthly payment in case I get into any trouble in the future. I plan on getting a mortgage in 2–3 years.””
How can I get a copy of my credit report without having to join one of those credit monitoring agencies?
I want to ask that Is it necessary that i should join the monitoring agencies first for getting the the best credit report
Came out of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in April 2008 what is the fastest way to build my credit score up?

Who or what can limit the interest rates and fees that credit card companies can impose?

Can someone please tell me what Annual Percentage Rate is and give some examples?
I always see APR for a home loan or auto loan, but have no clue how it is applied. Thank You””
How can I tell if this site is credit card safe?
Lately I’ve been looking for homes for rent and the postings this company has been putting on are exactly what we’ve been looking for. However, I’ve never heard of this site before and don’t know if it’s safe to put my credit card info into to pay for their listings. How can I tell if they are legit or not?""
Need a bad credit loan. My credit score is 643. No payday loans pls. Need 3000 soon or more for debt con.?
Applied with citi, cap one,AmOne no luck only finding payday loans on the internet or pay up front places. Need your all help to find a good lender. THANKS.””
“”How to take out an $8,500 private student loan? Best options?””
Hi, everyone! I’m a clueless college student with clueless parents and really need some financial advice/opinion. I need to take out an $8,500 private loan to cover the tuition/living expenses that I cannot pay for right now. Does anyone know of good places to look into with the best (lowest) interest rates for students? Your advice would be much appreciated! Thank you so much!””
How do I get my credit cards to lower their interest rates?
my APR is anywhere between 23 & 28%. Very high!! But, I pay all my bills on time and always pay more than the minimum… is it because I have more debt than capital? Is there a plan where I can consolidate all of my store credit cards into one low-interest card without having to go to an outside company for help?””
Capital One Auto loan?
I receive the capial one auto loan Blank Check. The loan is in my name only. I will be purchasing the auto for my son but the loan is in my name only. Capital one web site states you have to make at least $1800 a month before they will give you an auto loan and my son does not make that a month. My question is when we go to purchase the auto, can I just go ahead and put the car, registration and tags in his name even though the loan is in my name only.””
How to raise your credit?
So after pulling my credit report. It turns out I have about 1500 dollars in debt. That debt includes a cable bill, electric bill, an old credit card, and an old T-Mobile account. The rest of the debt is like 8000 dollars in medical bills, from when I had my daughter, a couple years back. I guess my question is should I just pay off the 1500 dollars to raise my credit, and not worry about the medical bills? Or should I contact a debt consumer agency, and try to pay it all off? Should, I declare bankruptcy? Right now my median credit score is about 560–570, and I want to buy a house. How long do you think, it might before, I achieve this? I do have two great lines of credit with both my cars, both due to be paid off soon. I also applied for a secured credit card and got approved. Any financial advice would be appreciated.””

Fast poor credit loans direct deposit?
i am looking for a fast poor credit personal or payday loan with free application and direct deposit, anybody know where i can get it all done by only on the computer.””
How to buy an apartment building with no money down?
here are more facts on the deal that may help with telling me how to do this. 138 apartments and rent is $400 for each one $662,400 a year rent 82 of them are rented out so right now money is $393,600 the expenses a year are $205,344 so the profit right now is $188,256 a year they will sell to me for $1,200,000 and at 10% interest a year, I would pay $120,000 a year in interest, but that leaves a profit of $68,256 and as i rent out the other apartments not rented i will make more profits too. this seems to be a good deal to me. i have looked at the property and talked to the owner and he is a older gentleman who wants the money in 60 days or less. please help as this good for me to get, but i do not know how to buy with no money down.””
Used car payment on a 2004 Range Rover?
I’m 16, my parents would pay for 5000 of it, and I make 700 a month they will pay for my gas, car insurance, and repairs I want to get a 2004 range rover. It costs about 15,450 .. How much. A month would the car payment be? And my parents said for holidays/birthdays they’d make a few payments for me. Like would the car payment be 500? I’ll put 5000 down on it.””
Where can i see my credit report quickly and without fee?

Due to bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the whole world’s stock market had been going down too. Which makes me wonder what happens to the employees, or to the depositors, or what would happen even if just a single household would be filing for bankruptcy. Will they get help from government? etc…””
What will my apr on car loan be with bad credit?
my credit score is 544
Do I have a shot at this auto loan?
I applied for credit for a car, its a 2006 maxima its 13,500. I called the car lot to see if the car was still available which it is. I then told him I did a credit app online so he checked then called me back. He asked could I come in tomorrow with 2pay stubs, insurance car, title to my car, the trade in car, driver license, 2bills in my name and my lease.agreement. And a check book or debit card. But he never aaid if I got approved or not is this usual for them to ask for this or do I have a chance at it?””
Im 16 and want to buy a house?
i want to buy a house… not to live in but so i can rent it out and then after university ( approx 5 years from now) i’ll move in. i have interrogated my parents about what i need to think about and consider if i was to try and buy a house. i earn approx $250 a week (not much..but for a teen its alot). but is it enough to be able to pay mortgage and bills and stuff. *** i would like opinions, tips, advice and experiances about buying a house*** im not a typical teen who spends big. (i dont even like having a phone…havent had credit for 5 months). im good at saving up!!!””
“Can a online payday loan garnish my wages if I am already in a chapter 13?

