Kidney Failure: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments.

Oyewole Mubarak Adeniyi
6 min readNov 11, 2023


Image by Mubbyweb Consult

The kidneys work to filter the blood and secrete wastes and excess fluids into the urine. A disorder in kidney function leads to the accumulation of wastes and excess fluids in the body, causing serious complications.

The deterioration in kidney performance is slow, as no symptoms of the disease are recognized in its early stages, and the appearance of symptoms increases as the condition worsens. Therefore, the disease is not detected except in the late stages.

Stages of Kidney Disease

There are kidney disease stages according to the Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR).

The eGFR is a calculation of how well the kidneys filter substances. The normal eGFR is about 100. The lowest eGFR is 0, which means the kidney is no longer functioning

The stages of any kidney disease include:

Stage I. The GFR is higher than 90 but below 100. At this stage, the kidneys have mild damage but still function normally.

Stage II. The GFR may be as low as 60 or as high as 89. There is more damage to the kidneys than in stage I, but they still function well.

Stage III. The GFR may be as low as 30 or as high as 59. There may be mild or severe loss of kidney function.

Stage IV. The GFR may be as low as 15 or as high as 29. There is severe loss of kidney function.

Stage V. The GFR is below 15. The kidneys are nearing or at complete failure.

Symptoms of Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure

Symptoms of kidney failure include the following:

• Decreased urine output.

• Nausea and vomiting.

• Lack of appetite.

• Fatigue and weakness.

• Difficulty sleeping.

• Muscle contraction.

• Edema, especially in the ankles and legs.

• Itch.

It is important to know that these symptoms are not limited to kidney failure, as they may also appear when suffering from other diseases.

Causes and Risk Factors of Kidney Failure

Most often, chronic kidney failure occurs as a result of some diseases that prevent the kidneys from performing their function for long periods. Among these diseases, we mention the following:

• Diabetes Mellitus.

• High blood pressure.

• Enlargement of the prostate gland.

• kidney stones.

• Urinary bladder cancer.

• Kidney cancer.

• Kidney infection.

• Some rheumatic diseases, such as lupus, scleroderma, and vasculitis.

• Partial or complete blockage of the artery that supplies blood to the kidneys.

Risk Factors for Chronic Kidney Failure

Risk factors for chronic kidney failure include:

• Heart disease.

• Smoking.

• Obesity.

• High cholesterol levels in the blood.

• A family member has kidney disease.

Complications of Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure

There are some complications associated with kidney failure, including the following:

• Fluid retention

The kidney’s ability to excrete excess fluids is damaged

• Heart arrhythmia

The excretion of potassium from the body decreases, which leads to a rapid rise in its levels in the blood, leading to a severe disturbance in the heart rhythm that may lead to death.

• Bone fractures

The kidneys work


Anaemia occurs as a result of a decrease in the hormone erythropoietin, which is secreted by the kidneys and is responsible for stimulating the bone marrow to produce red blood cells.

Central nervous system injury

The accumulation of toxic substances in the body harms

Other Complications

They include the following:

• Decrease in sexual desire.

• Impotence.

• Weakness in the immune system.

• Pericarditis.

Diagnosis of Kidney Failure

There are many ways through which kidney failure is diagnosed, such as the following:

• Blood Tests

Through blood tests, it is possible to know the levels of some wastes in the blood, such as urea and creatinine, in addition to some other substances, such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium, as the levels of these substances reflect the level of kidney performance.

• Urine Test

Some things may indicate that there is a problem with the kidneys, such as the presence of certain substances such as proteins in the urine, in addition to the presence of a very low concentration of waste in the urine.

• Imaging Examinations

In some cases, some imaging tests are performed to diagnose the presence of a tumour or injury, such as ultrasound, or computed tomography.

• Biopsy

A biopsy is taken by inserting a needle into the body and taking a small piece of kidney tissue, which is then examined in the laboratory.

Treatment of Kidney Failure

Treatment of chronic kidney failure focuses on the cause of the disease to avoid worsening the condition, as no treatment helps improve kidney function.

The treatments used can be divided as follows:

1. Improve Lifestyle

By following the following:

• Reduce alcohol consumption to a minimum.

• Eat as little protein and salt as possible.

• Take appropriate medications in case of certain diseases, such as diabetes and high blood pressure.

• stop smoking.

• Maintaining a healthy weight.

• Avoid taking some medications that increase kidney toxicity.

2. Pharmaceutical Treatments

There are some other treatments aimed at treating complications of the disease, such as the following:

• Some medications to lower blood pressure, such as Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, and angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARB).

• Treatments to lower cholesterol.

• Treatments to raise haemoglobin levels and treat anaemia.

• Treatments to strengthen bones.

• Treatments to get rid of edemas.

3. Other Procedures

In some cases where there is a significant decline in kidney function, the following is resorted to:

• Dialysis

Haemodialysis is performed using medical devices that filter blood. The blood is entered through a tube into the device, where it is filtered and then returned to the body again. This process takes hours and must be done several times a week.

Peritoneal Dialysis is performed in other cases, where a solution is introduced into the abdominal cavity, then the waste is transferred from the blood to the solution through the peritoneal membrane, and then the solution is pumped out of the abdominal space.

• Kidney Transplant

Where a new kidney is transplanted into the patient’s body, donated by a deceased person or from a living donor.

Prevention of Kidney Failure

Healthy kidney vs Damaged kidney

Some methods can be followed to prevent kidney failure, as follows:

• Maintaining the body’s physical fitness: This reduces blood pressure and maintains kidney performance.

• Maintaining blood sugar levels: conducting periodic checks of blood sugar levels.

• Maintaining blood pressure levels: This is done by measuring blood pressure readings periodically, and treating it if there is an increase in it.

• Follow a healthy diet: It should be low in salt because salt increases the burden on the kidneys.

• Avoid smoking: It is a risk factor that reduces the blood supply to the kidney and increases the risk of kidney cancer by 50%.

• Refrain from using some medications frequently: such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), as they greatly affect the kidneys.

• Conducting periodic examinations: This helps detect any kidney injury at an early stage, which reduces the complications that may result.

Keeping up with kidney health means a lot to your general well-being and general prosperity. By keeping your kidneys sound, your body will channel and remove waste appropriately and produce hormones to help your body work appropriately.



Oyewole Mubarak Adeniyi

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