2 min readAug 4, 2021

The devil’s playground

An idle mind is the devil’s workshop is no mere saying. In fact, it is on this rock that the devil builds his church.

The devil thrives in a soul that is empty

A soul that is void, to the devil is tempting

Many times we struggle with sin in our thoughts

It’s because we had nothing else to think about.

Sometimes we struggle with sin in our speeches and conversations

It’s because we had nothing else to talk about.

The Devil is a master tactician. He plays different formations that he know can destroy your defence. You play a low block, he plays good ball players. You play a high press, he destroys you on the counter.

The devil gives meaning to those things that you have thought about, and have by yourself found meaningless.

The devil finds idleness and gives it his course.

Places something in you hands and you start to run it like a clock, like it’s your life ambition.

You start to pursue it like there’s nothing more important.

A perfectly healthy Christian loses sight of communication with God and the devil immediately puts fornication in his heart.

Take a break from being in God’s presence for a bit and all sorts run into your mind.

“Your mind becomes the devil’s playground”

From its very inaction, idleness ultimately becomes the most active cause of evil.

It has been said that idleness is the parent of mischief which is very true; but mischief itself is merely an attempt to escape from the dreary vacuum of idleness. (George Barrow).

When the darkness of idleness catches up with you, be careful what you fill it with cos the devil in himself is lurking.

God stands at the door knocking and waiting. The devil doesn’t wait, he sees the absence of God as an opportunity to burst your door open and take over your life.

When God was outside waiting and knocking (because he requires you to make the decision to allow him in), the devil is already inside convincing you to not let him.

Giving in to him, then you’ve become his plaything, your mind his playground.

Turkish proverb “the devil tempts other men, but an idle man tempts the devil”

Find God, search for him in the depths of the scriptures, fill your idleness with communications with him and what once was the devil’s playground becomes God’s temple.


Young medical doctor. Deep thinker 🤔 Special interests: orthopedic surgery, football, social media