An Introduction -OYORI Network : A Revolutionary Decentralized Platform on the Polygon Network

Welcome to OYORI: Your Gateway to the Future of Decentralized Finance

6 min readMay 22, 2024

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Step into the world of OYORI (OYO), where innovation meets accessibility in the realm of decentralized applications. Built on the robust Polygon Network, OYORI is more than just a platform; it’s a revolution in the making.

Your All-in-One Platform for Everything Crypto

OYORI isn’t just another dApp platform; it’s a high-performance ecosystem designed to cater to all your crypto needs in one convenient place. From trading to staking, from NFTs to wallet management, OYORI has you covered.

Turn MATIC into OYO and Watch Your Wealth Grow

With OYORI’s own cryptocurrency exchange, converting your MATIC tokens into OYO tokens is as easy as a few clicks. But here’s where it gets exciting: every time someone buys, sells, or trades OYO tokens, you earn MATIC directly into your wallet, just for holding OYO. It’s like earning passive income without lifting a finger!

Ride the Wave of Free MATIC

Imagine the thrill of watching your MATIC balance grow with every transaction on the OYORI exchange. That’s the reality of holding OYO tokens. From the moment you become a holder, you start accruing “free” MATIC, adding to your wealth with every trade.

Transparency, Security, and Trust: Our Promise to You

Rest assured, the OYORI exchange and token are built on a foundation of transparency, security, and trust. Thanks to an open-source smart contract implemented on the POLYGON Chain, you can trade with confidence, knowing that your assets are safe and secure.

Join us at OYORI and unlock the potential of decentralized finance in the most exciting and rewarding way possible. Your journey to financial freedom starts here.

Transforming MATIC to OYO: Earn While You Hold

On the OYORI exchange, you can easily convert your MATIC into OYO tokens. What makes OYO tokens truly unique is their rewarding mechanism: each time someone buys, sells, or trades OYO tokens, holders earn MATIC based on the proportion of OYO tokens they own. This means the moment you acquire OYO tokens, you start receiving “free” MATIC with every transaction, directly to your wallet. Powered by a transparent, open-source smart contract on the Polygon Chain, this exchange ensures security and trust.

Understanding OYORI’s Unique dApp

OYORI’s exchange operates through a fully deployed open-source Polygon smart contract. These contracts are immutable, ensuring that funds are securely managed by the autonomous program. You can view the complete source code for the contract managing this exchange on Polygon Scan at any time.

Key Features to Remember:

  1. Transaction-Driven Operations: Every action on the exchange, including reinvestment, withdrawal, sale, and transfer, requires a transaction across the Polygon network. Even though these are “0” MATIC transactions, they do incur gas fees.
  2. Smart Contract Management: All funds are controlled by the OYORI smart contract. While high loads can sometimes slow down access to secure data, backup sites are available to perform the same functions.
  3. Automated Token Management: Purchases and sales directly interact with the OYO smart contract, which handles token issuance and burning, automatically adjusting the supply and value of OYO tokens.

Oyori’s Vision: Democratizing Wealth Creation

OYORI aims to make cryptocurrency an essential part of every portfolio. We envision a world where wealth creation methods, once exclusive, become accessible to all, empowering individuals over financial institutions. Our goal is to develop revolutionary and engaging dApps on the Polygon Network, including staking wallets and wallet swapping. By enabling investors to generate passive income and contribute to network stability, OYO Token fosters a secure and decentralized ecosystem rooted in fundamental monetary principles.

Mission: A Truly Decentralized, Community-Driven Platform

Our mission encompasses the peer-to-peer exchange of NFTs, digital objects, and bitcoin collectibles on a single platform. Users can buy, sell, and auction OYO Tokens, and utilize features like Swapping, Incubator, Staking Vault, and Wallet, all while reducing asset volatility and promoting positive price pressure. OYORI aims to lower the barriers to entering a sophisticated financial environment, creating a genuinely decentralized, community-driven digital asset platform.

Why Polygon Network?

OYORI leverages the Polygon Network for its Layer 2 scaling solutions, which transform off-chain transactions into proofs uploaded to the main chain. This approach offers faster transaction speeds and lower costs. Polygon’s optimized networks support Ethereum, providing the flexibility to operate within specific niches while remaining connected to the larger Ethereum ecosystem.

What is a dApp?

Decentralized applications (dApps) run on blockchain networks rather than single machines, enabling peer-to-peer transactions. Unlike traditional apps, dApps are open-source and decentralized, offering continuous availability and eliminating single points of failure. Built on platforms like Ethereum, dApps support decentralized finance, gaming, social media, and more.

Benefits of Holding OYO Tokens

Transaction Distribution:

  • Buy: 11% of each purchase is distributed among all OYO holders proportionally.
  • Sell: 11% of each sale is similarly distributed.

OYORI Price Mechanism

The OYO Token’s price is determined by a sophisticated algorithm embedded within the smart contract of our dApp. This algorithm relies on Matic tokens, measured in “GWEI,” to ascertain the value of each OYO token. When someone purchases an OYO token, the system intelligently increments the GWEI value by +1 for subsequent tokens. Conversely, when a token is sold, the GWEI decreases by -1, ensuring a balanced pricing mechanism.

To illustrate, let’s consider the principle of multiples of tens employed by our price coding algorithm. When a buyer invests 10,000 Matic, the OYO value rises to 0.0001 (equivalent to three “O”s). With each entry of 10,000 Matic, the system removes one zero from the equation. To further increase the OYO price to 0.001 (two “O”s), an additional 1,00,000 Matic is required. This sequential process continues until the system accumulates 100,000,000 Matic, achieving a price where 1 OYO equals 1 Matic.

Oyori dynamic pricing system ensures a meticulous and systematic approach to valuing OYO tokens, providing transparency and reliability to our users.

Referral Program: Maximize Your Earnings

Referral Program is designed to offer you lucrative income opportunities through a structured, multi-tiered incentive system. Here’s a breakdown of how it works:

  • For your 1st referral, you receive a generous 10% incentive with no specific terms attached.
  • As you progress, the incentives for your 2nd and 3rd referrals are 3% and 2%, respectively, with a requirement of 500 Matic tokens for each.
  • Upon reaching the 4th, 5th, and 6th referrals, the incentives are 1%, 1%, and 2%, respectively, accompanied by terms of 1000 Matic, 2000 Matic, and 4000 Matic tokens.
  • For your 7th referral, a 3% incentive awaits, contingent upon a condition of 8000 Matic tokens.
  • In total, you have the potential to earn up to 22% through these referrals.

This multi-tiered approach empowers you to maximize your earnings by establishing a robust and interconnected network within OYO. Seize the opportunity presented by our Referral Program and unlock the financial benefits of cultivating a thriving community within our platform.

Lifetime VIP Club

The Lifetime VIP Club offers a 3% bonus on every deposit for users who make a minimum purchase of 5000 MATIC from OYO Token. Qualified users enjoy ongoing perks, enhancing their experience within the OYO ecosystem.

Benefits of Matic Reflection

Oyori cleverly utilizes its collaboration with Matic Coin, a prominent cryptocurrency known for its exceptional performance. By leveraging Matic Coin’s extensive infrastructure and vibrant community, Oyori creates the groundwork for its own growth and widespread adoption.

Oyori, a compelling cryptocurrency reflection token, combines perfectly with Matic Coin. Smart contracts on a decentralized platform ensure transparency and dependability. This seamless synergy not only increases Oyori’s attractiveness, but it also provides individuals with novel chances in the ever-changing cryptocurrency market.

Embrace the Future with OYORI and MATIC

OYORI’s integration with MATIC Coin leverages its strong infrastructure and expanding community, positioning OYORI as a top choice for those seeking innovative opportunities in the cryptocurrency market.

How to Buy OYO Tokens

  1. Download Trustwallet or MetaMask: Set up your wallet on your device.
  2. Transfer MATIC via Polygon Network: Send your MATIC tokens to the wallet.
  3. Access the DApp Area in Trustwallet: Use the link
  4. Confirm Polygon Network Association: Ensure you’re connected to the Polygon Network.
  5. Enroll Your MATIC: Store your MATIC tokens and complete the enrollment.
  6. Congratulations: You’re now an OYO Token holder, ready to reap daily profits.

Join OYORI Today

Seize the opportunity to generate passive income with OYO Token as it appreciates. Start with just one MATIC and enjoy per-transaction dividends and royalty revenue. Don’t miss out — dive into the world of OYORI today and start earning lifetime MATIC.

Disclaimer: This content is for educational purposes only and is not investment advice. Conduct your own research and consult with financial professionals before making investment decisions.




OYO Token is a revolutionary decentralized application platform built on the Polygon Chain.