What is OYO Token?

8 min readMar 26, 2023

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OYORI(OYO) is a revolutionary decentralized application platform built on the Polygon Network, a self-contained blockchain. OYORI is a high-performance platform designed to provide a wide range of services on a single platform. The Polygon Network serves as the foundation for the OYO Token.

MATIC can be exchanged into OYO tokens on OYORI’s own cryptocurrency exchange. OYO tokens are tokens with a creative twist: whenever someone else buys, sells, or trades the token, the OYO holder earns MATIC directly based on the number of tokens owned. (in percentage of total amount minted).

This implies that the moment you begin holding OYO tokens, you will begin accruing “free” MATIC, which will be given to you on every transaction based on the number of OYO tokens you have on the exchange! This exchange and token are transparent, safe, and trustworthy because the entire system is powered by an open-source smart contract implemented on POLYGON Chain.

Understanding This dApp

The exchange’s main functionality is entirely powered by a deployed open-source Polygon smart contract. Because smart contracts are immutable, these monies are only accessible to this autonomous programme. On Polygon Scan, you may read the whole source code for the contract that manages this trade at any moment.

This OYORI trade is unlike anything you’ve seen before, and some parts may surprise you at first. This section attempts to summarise the key points to remember:

Every smart contract operation necessitates transaction transmission. This implies that every move you take on the exchange necessitates a transaction being sent across the Polygon network. All activities, including “Reinvest,” “Withdraw,” “Sell,” and “Transfer,” necessitate a “0” MATIC transaction (with GAS, which costs MATIC, account for this!). This explains why this section contains so many “0” MATIC transactions.

All funds for this exchange are managed by the OYORI smart contract. Under high load, accessing secure smart contract data can be slow, which is why the main exchange front-end site can feel sluggish at times. You can always use backup sites to fulfil the same duties.

When you purchase or sell on the exchange, you are doing so straight from the OYO smart contract rather than from other users. The OYO smart contract is entirely responsible for token issuance, which increases supply, and token burning, which decreases supply. This occurs on all exchange purchases and sales automatically. Furthermore, the smart contract is exclusively responsible for calculating the OYO token’s value.

Oyori’s Vision

The purpose of OYORI is to include “cryptocurrency in every portfolio.” We foresee a society in which previously exclusive wealth-creation methods become available to anyone, restoring people’s power over our financial institutions. We aspire to construct revolutionary and entertaining dapps like staking wallets and wallet swapping on the Polygon Network. Watch for us as we begin to deploy dapps on the Polygon Network. Staking allows polygon investors to generate passive income while simultaneously contributing to the network’s stability. The OYO Token will build a game-changing ecosystem by bringing more people to digital assets and enabling them to earn passive income while protecting their privacy, security, authority, and autonomy. OYORI’s mission is to create an ecosystem built on fundamental monetary concepts, with a strong and secure Decentralized foundation.

The Mission of Oyori

Peer-to-peer exchange of NFTs, unique digital objects, and bitcoin collectibles. On a single platform, OYO Token can be bought, sold, and auctioned. On the same platform, users should be able to use Swapping, Incubator, Staking Vault, and Wallet. Reduce volatility in your digital asset holdings while generating positive price pressure. Reduce the barrier to entrance into a more complex financial environment. Run as a truly decentralized, community-driven digital asset.

Why Oyori choose Polygon Network?

Using Layer 2 scaling, off-chain transactions are transformed into proofs and uploaded to the main chain. Layer 2 solutions provide faster transaction speeds as well as cheaper transaction costs. These optimised networks support Ethereum and are very customizable. As a result, it gives you the freedom to operate in a specific niche while being linked to the Ethereum network as a whole.

There are various layer 2 solutions to the issues of scalability and high transaction costs, but they must be polished and deployed. OYORI is designed to be a layer-2 agnostic solution that enables the plug-and-play exchange of assets across numerous layer 2 networks, as well as the option to switch between on-chain and off-chain storage as needed.

What is a dApp?

A decentralized application (dApp) is a sort of open source distributed software that runs on a blockchain network rather than a single machine. DApps resemble other software programmes available on a website or mobile device, but they allow for peer-to-peer transactions.

Due to the decentralized nature of dApps, once a developer exposes the source for a dApp, others can build on top of it. The app is not controlled by a single entity. Decentralized applications (dApps) are used to build a variety of applications, such as those for decentralized banking, online surfing, gaming, and social media.

dApps are created on a decentralized network that is driven by a distributed ledger like blockchain. A distributed application (dApp) can use blockchain to handle data and perform transactions over dispersed networks. dApps are regularly developed on the Ethereum platform.

Distributed ledger technology, such as the Ethereum blockchain, have contributed in the spread of dApps. The main benefits of dApps are that they are constantly available and have no single point of failure.

The Advantages of Holding OYO Tokens

When an OYO token is buy, a total of 10% is distributed to all OYO token holders based on their holdings.

When someone sells OYO tokens, a total of 10% is paid proportionally to all OYO token holders.

Price Coding of OYO

The OYO Token price was computed in the DAPP smart contract using Matic Token “GWEI.” Each following token is cleverly enhanced by +1 GWEI when an OYO Token is purchased from the smart contract. When a token is sold, the GWEI falls by -1. Using this example, you can readily comprehend this calculation. The OYO pricing Coding technique is based on the multiples of tens idea. When a customer paid 10,000 Matic for it, the OYO value jumped to 0.0001. (3 times Zero). It signifies that one zero was murdered when a 10,000 Matic entered the system. To kill the next zero, the system requires another 1,000,000 Matic to raise the price of OYO to 0.001. (Two Time Zero). This is the pricing mechanism in action. The system must include 100,000,000 Matic to achieve 1 OYO = 1 Matic.

Program for Referrals

OYORI receives a total of twelve funnel income levels. The first level of income comes from direct referrals and is 10%. Furthermore, the second level is 2.5%, the third is 1%, the fourth is 0.75%, and the fifth through ninth levels are 0.50%. Income at the 10th level is 0.75%, 1% at the 11th level, and 1.50% at the 12th level. In order to get the benefit of infinite income, certain conditions must be met at all income levels. There are several social media networks where you can make a lot of money.

Lifetime Royalty Club

The Lifelong Royalty Club is a fantastic method to earn money. This can give you with a lifetime income from royalties. There are three types of lifetime royalty: green club (1% lifetime royalty), yellow club (2% lifetime royalty), and blue club (3% lifetime royalty). You must complete a few basic requirements to be eligible for lifetime royalty.

The First Green Club members are entitled to 1% lifetime royalty. You must make a self-investment of 1000 Matics and a direct referral business membership of 2000 Matics to qualify for this income.

The Second Yellow Club members are entitled to a 2% lifetime royalty. To qualify for this income, you must make a self-investment of 2500 Matics and a direct referral business membership of 5000 Matics.

Third Blue Club members are entitled to a 3% lifetime royalty. To be eligible for this income, you must make a self-investment of 5,000 Matics and a direct referral business membership of 10,000 Matics.

The Royalty Club shares 6% of its profits with all members. A minimum of two direct recommendations are required by any royalty club. You may recommend more than one individual, but there must be a minimum of two.

Instructions for purchasing OYO and securing recurring, automated income:

  1. Download Trustwallet Or MetaMask and send all MATIC into it through your trade by means of the Polygon Network.
  2. Navigate to Trustwallet’s dApp Area and paste this link:https://oyori.io/home/purchase/0x964Ed0150fb8A2c9EBc73A6D41bf49B7607EBD4E
  3. Ensure that you are connected to the Polygon Network, which can be seen in the upper right corner of the image.
  4. After associating with the wallet, store all of your Matics and enroll them.
  5. Congratulations, you are now an owner of OYO Token. Prepare to make money on a daily basis!

This is your chance to make a lot of Matic. Those that are knowledgeable with cryptocurrency and hunting for such lucrative chances will benefit the most. This is an excellent opportunity to generate an endless passive income while the OYO Token develops in value. You can only start with one Matic. Aside from that, depending on your investment, you can receive a per transaction dividend and 6 royalty revenue for each transaction. Why bother? Get the entire scoop today and start enjoying Lifetime Matic with OYO Token.

Disclaimer: The content in this post is strictly the author’s/advertisers’ opinion and is not intended to be investment advice; it is provided solely for educational reasons. By using this, you acknowledge that Analytics Insight and the team are not providing any investing or financial advice. Anyone considering investing should get independent financial or professional advice. Before making any investing decisions, do your own research and consult with financial professionals. Analytics Insight and the team are not responsible for the investment perspectives presented in the article.




OYO Token is a revolutionary decentralized application platform built on the Polygon Chain.