Australia’s media industry had a chance to fix its race problem. It blew it.Let’s get one thing clear first: the structural problems in the media landscape discussed in this article are far from the most important…Jun 14, 2020Jun 14, 2020
The ABC and DiversityRecent comments by both the outgoing and incoming Managing Directors of the ABC have put the spotlight on the issue of diversity and…May 4, 20161May 4, 20161
Choke on my soy flat white, buddyStephen Koukoulas, an economist and research fellow at Per Capita, has written a piece for The Guardian this morning, claiming that…Apr 4, 20165Apr 4, 20165
Forcing low-income graduates to repay their debt faster doesn’t make senseThe Grattan Institute has published a report by Andrew Norton recommending lowering the repayment threshold for graduates with a HELP…Mar 29, 2016Mar 29, 2016
Who Opposes Senate Reform and Why — An Exercise in Self-InterestPolitics is about self-interest. Governments do things because it’s in their direct political interest, or because it’s in the interest of…Mar 1, 2016Mar 1, 2016
Five Crazy Preference Deals That Show How Broken The Voting System IsOver the past couple of days there has been a flurry of debate regarding potential changes to the way the Australian Senate is elected.Feb 18, 20162Feb 18, 20162
We’re All Being TrolledPolitics, particularly within our major political parties, has always been a profession that attracts parasites and crooks, drawn to the…Feb 8, 20165Feb 8, 20165
Disadvantaged students hit hardest with new loan scheme for student welfareAccording to reports out of Canberra this afternoon the Labor Opposition has agreed to support $1.1 billion in cuts to the university…Dec 1, 20151Dec 1, 20151
Everyone’s wrong and no one knows what to do (including me)I don’t know how we beat IS. I don’t know how we expunge them from the Middle-East or how we defeat their strategy of radicalising Muslims…Nov 18, 2015Nov 18, 2015
Pauline Hanson, the media and ParisI’m a strong advocate for a suspension of the usual cynicism and hyper-analysis that dominates discourse online in the aftermath of brutal…Nov 15, 2015Nov 15, 2015