Exploring “A Ghost Story” (2017)

Ozaifa Rose
3 min readNov 20, 2023


In the realm of indie cinema, certain films emerge that defy conventional storytelling and challenge audiences to contemplate the profound mysteries of life. “A Ghost Story” (2017), directed by David Lowery, is one such cinematic gem that transcends traditional narrative boundaries to deliver a haunting meditation on time, existence, and the human experience.

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A Ghost Story 2017
Photo from IMDb

Plot Overview:

The film opens with a young couple, played by Casey Affleck and Rooney Mara, residing in a seemingly ordinary suburban home. However, tragedy strikes early on, as the husband dies in a car accident.

What follows is an unconventional exploration of the afterlife, as the deceased dons a classic white-sheet ghost costume and continues to coexist in the home he once shared with his wife.

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The Ghost’s Journey:

The ethereal protagonist, portrayed by Casey Affleck under the iconic sheet, becomes a silent observer of life unfolding in the house and its surroundings. The film utilizes minimalist dialogue and deliberate pacing, allowing the audience to immerse themselves in the ghost’s introspective journey through time.

Time as a Central Theme:

“A Ghost Story” brilliantly utilizes time as a central theme, presenting it as a nonlinear and expansive force that shapes the characters’ experiences. The ghost becomes an embodiment of the past, present, and future, creating a profound reflection on the transient nature of human existence.

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Cinematic Aesthetics:

Lowery’s directorial choices, particularly the use of long takes and static shots, contribute to the film’s contemplative atmosphere. The deliberate pacing, combined with Daniel Hart’s haunting musical score, adds a sense of timelessness to the narrative, reinforcing the film’s exploration of the infinite expanse of time.

Symbolism and Metaphor:

The white-sheet ghost costume serves as a powerful metaphor, transcending its comedic connotations and embodying the universality of the human experience. The ghost becomes a silent witness to the passage of time, the ebb and flow of emotions, and the inevitability of change.

Emotional Resonance:

Despite its unconventional narrative and minimalist approach, “A Ghost Story” evokes a deep emotional resonance. The film’s exploration of grief, loss, and the search for meaning in the face of mortality strikes a chord with viewers, inviting them to reflect on their own existential journey.

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“A Ghost Story” stands as a testament to the transformative potential of cinema. By eschewing conventional storytelling in favor of a contemplative and meditative approach, David Lowery crafts a unique and thought-provoking cinematic experience.

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The film challenges audiences to confront the intangible nature of time, the enduring power of memory, and the profound beauty found in life’s fleeting moments. In an industry often dominated by formulaic narratives, “A Ghost Story” serves as a poignant reminder of the medium’s capacity to provoke introspection and push artistic boundaries.

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