Photo by Guillermo Arroyo:

What Does Podcasting Look Like in 2023?

6 min readDec 29, 2022


This is when leaders in the industry chime in on their predictions for 2023, so I decided to get into this cipher of podcasting and share a few of my own predictions.

First off, it’s been insane watching how quickly this industry had evolved since when I first got in the game about 10 years ago. From the perplexity of explaining a podcast and how to subscribe to it to everybody and their mama has a podcast.

This past year, we’ve seen video podcasting take off, especially with Youtube showing strong support for our audio medium. We’ve seen more growth in popularity and monetization opportunities for podcasters, podcasting tech continues to improve and become more accessible, and we’re seeing diversity moving quickly to this platform which is dope!

We will continue to see these trends shape the podcasting industry in the coming years, but what else should we expect….

Prediction Numero Uno:

1. Personal Branding matters more than ever

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

With podcasting being the most personal and intimate content medium. The opportunity lies for the podcast host who understands the importance of being influential on and off the mic. Connecting a personal brand to your podcast will translate into an impact on a larger scale.

Personal Branding will be foundational to building a world-class podcast with real influence and marketability. There’s a reason why big brand companies backed with personal brands such as Tesla (Elon Musk) Apple (Tim Cook) Amazon (Jeff Bezos) Vayner Media (Gary Vaynerchuk,) are more influential than their competitors.

Become the podcast host your audience wants to know and follow.

Don’t sleep on amplifying who YOU are as a personal brand. This will matter in 2023.

Prediction Numero Dos:

2. Newsletters are back but “Don’t call it a come back!” LL COOl J

Photo by Maxim Ilyahov on Unsplash

Let me keep it real with you.

I thought email marketing was dead, and no one cared about reading another email in their inbox. I know my email gets crazy spam almost every minute, so I understand why podcasters/creators may feel reluctant to start and maintain a newsletter to support their podcast.

Building an email list has been a must for every brand online. Still, as we enter 2023, I believe we’ll see more podcasters/creators leverage newsletters and email list-building as an opportunity to enhance the community connection experience.

With a platform such as Substack, which I’m a big fan of, starting a community-driven newsletter will help podcasters market and grow their platforms in 2023. Substack allows podcasters to include paid subscription-based content, and even allows you to share audio content.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see more community-driven newsletter platforms where podcasters can engage, share exclusive content, and include more interactivity with their audience in 2023.

Prediction Numero Tres:

3. Podcasters Go Live & Amplified

Photo by Nicholas Green on Unsplash

In 2023, I believe we’ll see more podcasters take their show and make it a live event. I have noticed celebrity podcasters and indie creators take their podcast shows on the road selling out venues!

Much like an independent musician using live shows to build their brand and get exposure to new audiences. I think we’ll see more indie podcasters setting up shop at their local venues, coffee shops, bars, etc., and doing live recordings with an audience.

Nothing beats the need to connect in person. In 2023, we’ll start seeing more podcasters take it to the stage and give their audience a live, in-person experience.

Prediction Numero Cuatro

4. More studios for podcasters

Photo by Marty O’Neill on Unsplash

In 2023, we’ll see more local libraries, co-working spaces, music studios, and dedicated spaces for podcasters to record their content.

With podcasting seeping into the corporate world and busy business owners jumping into podcasting, we’ll see a surge of recording studios offering in-house podcast production services for those who simply want to come in, plug, and play.

Prediction Numero Cinco

5. Progressive representation for all voices

Photo by Elevate on Unsplash

In 2023, I believe we’ll see more representation in people with disabilities, youth-led and local school-driven podcasts.

Side note, I also think we’ll see more podcasters make their content more accessible for people with disabilities, as they should be. This is a personal decision, not a social barrier. We can decide on more inclusivity.

My good friend, Jim Martinez, Director of Audio Managment, at Sight Into Sound in my hometown of Houston, Texas, operate an independent non-profit organization that provides radio reading, custom recording and audio description services for people with total blindness and/or vision impairment.

Another good friend of mine, Mike Wilson, host of the podcast- “Making After School Cool,” a podcast dedicated to increasing the awareness of resources that improve quality in the after-school and out-of-school time field is trailblazing Houston’s educational movement by leveraging the power of podcasting.

In 2023, we will see more youth behind the mic podcasting, more people with disabilities sharing stories and breaking down social barriers, and more leaders in the educational system using podcasting as a way to empower and highlight specific issues impacting their community.

Prediction Numero Seis

6. Netflix’s Podcasting Series

Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

This is my bold prediction for 2023.

Netflix will create a short series of podcasting entertainment. Netflix is already invested in audio, so this could be a strategic move to highlight their interest in podcasting.

They have several podcasts and have used podcasting to expand their audience inclusion through audio. However, what if they created a short series of rising indie podcasters or a fun show like “Podcast Chronicles”?

Just wait for it, and be sure to tag me and give me my Nostradamus flowers @realozeal when it happens.

Prediction Numero Siete

7. Podcast Managment Systems

Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash

I believe we’ll see a software to help podcasters manage, automate, and do all the things these project management tools offer, but for us podcasters!

Sure we can use Asana, Monday, Notion, etc., but if there was a plug-and-play platform for podcasters to quickly set-up and use. That would be amazing!

A prediction or is this more wishful thinking?

Guess we’ll have to find out.

Prediction Numero Ocho

8. Community reigns supreme

Photo by Erik Calderon (Pod Houston)

Building community and making personal connections with your audience is everything.

In 2022, I did notice more attention given to community building by podcasters which, of course made me happy. More podcasters/creators are understanding how imperative it is to build community and directly make an effort too connect with their audience.

2023 will be the year where we’ll see more community-focused podcasters and platforms devoted to interactivity between the creator and their audience. We’ve seen subscription based models such as Patreon and platforms such as Mighty Networks creating a space for that connectivity.

I predict we’ll see many more platforms emerge and podcasters organizig local meet-ups centered around interest.

Community is indeed currency in 2023!

Prediction Numero Nueve

9. Local! Local! Local!

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

In 2023, we will see more local businesses, organizations, and special interest communities launch localized podcasts. I have seen new ones pop up every year but with the fast growth and expansion of podcasting, I believe we’ll see many more local podcasts creating content in 2023.

Local podcasts is an unrated and underserved space, and now is the time for local leaders to stand and speak up!

I appreciate you and the time you took out of your day to read this! You can connect with me on Twitter at @realozeal, follow me on Instagram, and join our Pod Houston community

Cheers and Salud!





Podcaster. Content Marketing Strategist. Creator Community Builder. I write about podcasting, life lessons, and occasionally random rants. Join me?