[Scientific Research] Here’s Why You Lose Self Control

Lawrence Ozeh
The Blog of Lawrence Ozeh
5 min readOct 7, 2018


“There were two vices much blacker and more serious than the rest: lack of persistence and lack of self-control …endure and renounce.”
- Epictetus

It’s hard to argue that having even a little self control can save us from a lot of miseries, adversities, and errors.

This stems from the fact that we live in a world where a constant "uncontrolled" obsession with pleasurable activities can land us in a hot mess.

In plain words, self control is all about doing the right thing even when you don’t like it. It involves shunning instant gratification and disallowing the demonic side of you from taking over the reins in the face of temptation.

With this trait, you can overcome the temptation of having sex with a beautiful woman that is not your wife, resisting the urge of gulping down that cookie on the table calling out to you and finally place yourself under lock from going into another "impulsive buying" at Walmart.

When we lack self control, common sense and logical thinking capacity depart from us immediately. That means that at this very moment, the "just don’t" rule becomes weak or even totally ineffective in preventing you from indulging in the act.

