Commander’s Intent and the Power of Simplicity: Lessons from the Army and Beyond

Michael Ikhariale
3 min readMay 8, 2023
Photo by Pawel Janiak on Unsplash


In the realm of military operations and beyond, the delicate balance between meticulous planning and adaptability in the face of unforeseen circumstances has always posed a challenge. This article delves into the concepts of Commander’s Intent and simplicity, drawing inspiration from the Army’s planning processes and their application in various real-life scenarios. From battlefield strategies to successful business models, we explore how these concepts have reshaped approaches to decision-making and execution.

The Army’s Planning Process and the Pitfalls of Detailed Plans:

The article sets the stage by shedding light on the intricacies of the Army’s planning process. It underscores the extensive efforts put into crafting comprehensive plans, only to discover that they often become useless once unexpected variables come into play. Examples of historical military engagements demonstrate the perils of relying too heavily on plans that quickly become obsolete.

Introducing Commander’s Intent: A Paradigm Shift in Planning:

To mitigate the limitations of detailed plans, the Army introduced the concept of Commander’s Intent (CI). This section explores the purpose and value of CI, which serves as a concise, plain-talk statement specifying the objective and desired end-state of an operation. By providing a clear goal without overly specific instructions, CI allows for adaptability and empowers soldiers to make informed decisions in the field.

Photo by Scott Umstattd on Unsplash

Lessons from the Battlefield: Execution Over Plans:

Real-life examples from military operations showcase the importance of execution over rigid adherence to plans. Even if the original plan cannot be followed due to changing circumstances, soldiers must remain focused on fulfilling the overarching objective outlined in the Commander’s Intent. Case studies highlight how successful military leaders have embraced flexibility and adapted their strategies to achieve desired outcomes.

Finding the Core: Simplicity as a Catalyst for Success:

Building upon the Army’s approach, this section delves into the concept of finding the core — distilling ideas to their most critical essence. Drawing inspiration from the fields of design and engineering, the article emphasizes the importance of simplicity in communication and decision-making. Real-life examples from various industries, including technology, marketing, and aviation, demonstrate how prioritization and elegance have led to groundbreaking achievements.

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Southwest Airlines: The Power of a Simple Idea:

The article presents the case of Southwest Airlines and their CEO, Herb Kelleher, who epitomized the value of simplicity. Kelleher famously stated, “We are THE low-fare airline,” encapsulating the essence of the company’s mission. This example illustrates how a clear, singular idea, aligned with Commander’s Intent principles, can guide decision-making and shape an entire organization’s success.

Demystifying Simplicity: Elegance and Prioritization:

Addressing common misconceptions about simplicity, this section emphasizes that simplicity does not imply dumbing down or oversimplification. Instead, it emphasizes the elegance and prioritization required to distill complex ideas into their core elements. The article highlights the importance of focusing on the most critical insights while shedding nonessential complexities.


In an ever-changing and unpredictable world, the Army’s adoption of Commander’s Intent and the embrace of simplicity have proven their worth beyond the battlefield. This article has explored the power of a clear objective, adaptability, and the pursuit of simplicity in decision-making processes. By learning from the military’s experiences and applying these principles across diverse domains, individuals and organizations can navigate complexities more effectively and achieve their desired outcomes.



Michael Ikhariale

I am an empowering writer who seeks to challenge people's perspectives and encourage them to see things differently.