Stay away from people who do not respect you, constantly vomit their own grudges, and never truly belong to you. These individuals never speak of your good days. They are energy vampires and always play the victim. They will never share a moment of happiness with you because they expect you to pity them and help them without hesitation.

Özlem Mıh
2 min readSep 7, 2023


Avoid those who do not take responsibility, only care about themselves, and see selfishness as shifting their responsibilities onto others. They always say, ‘It’s all about me,’ and never ask themselves if they should do it or not. You must do it for them! Why? Because they want it that way. It suits their agenda. They prioritize their own interests, not yours.

When you try to protect your boundaries or point out their selfishness, they become your biggest enemies. They argue, shout, and fight, using the tiniest favor they did years ago as an excuse to manipulate you like a puppet throughout your life. Do not accept their acts of kindness; it’s just bait on a hook. They will use it, and in the end, declare themselves the victim and start crying. Because, again, it’s not their fault; they will cry, and you will feel guilty. It’s a trap!

Yet, for them, you are never right, no matter how small the issue. They are always right, always the one subjected to cruelty. You will try to please them, plagued by guilt and a sense of responsibility. But do you ever ask yourself, ‘Is this my responsibility?’ No matter what they do, it’s their problem.

Distance yourself, set boundaries, say NO to these people! Look at yourself: are you in a position to say YES, or are you only saying yes to prevent them from being upset? The answer is yes because you are certain they won’t respect your decision, and you fear they will react as if you were an enemy when you say NO.

So, who comes first, YOU or THEM? A person who doesn’t respect your decisions can walk away from you, and what’s the result? Happiness! They may try to manipulate you into doing what they want; that’s their problem. Your responsibility is not to accept it and to show that you won’t. We are never responsible for anyone’s happiness, and causing harm is a bad karma!

Selfish people remind us that it’s time to think about ourselves, build self-worth and self-respect. Reflect on this. Never sacrifice your comfort to allow selfish people to force help upon you. Remember, while fulfilling their desires, we often disregard our own once again! Only you can protect yourself! Ö.M.A.”

