The Hidden Dangers of Using Certain AI Writing Tools

Ozul Shelby
21 min readAug 26, 2024


AI writing tools have changed content creation through the need for speed and ease, making them quite popular in carrying out many forms of writing. They use sophisticated algorithms that create text in a very short period, which can be very useful. However, with these tools also come the risks, including probable plagiarism and problems with the quality. These problems can impact the credibility and effectiveness of both academic and professional work. Knowing these risks can become key to making wise choices in using AI writing tools.

Some tools, like Textero, EditPad, and EssayGenius, show these problems clearly. Textero often makes content that is not original, which raises worries about copying. EditPad can make repetitive and poor-quality text, which might not meet high standards. Similarly, EssayGenius usually creates basic essays that lack depth and creativity. Understanding these issues helps in picking better and more reliable tools for creating content.

Understanding the AI Writing Tools Risks

AI writing tools help in creating content faster using advanced computer programs and machine learning. As explained in the article on the use of AI essay writing tools, they can copy human writing styles to quicken text production. Even while such tools prove to be very useful, there are associated AI writing tool risks that need to be brought to users’ attention. Risks relating to a lack of originality, quality problems, and ethical worries could arise. Therefore, it is relevant to realize the risks behind using AI writing tools to apply them in good and responsible ways.

Lack of Originality

Many AI writing tools generate their content by drawing from a large collection of existing texts. This might, therefore, result in work that is not original at all or even taken from other sources. Such a case, where AI tools do not create truly unique content, could bring severe problems with AI plagiarism in the form of making the generated text resemble some pre-existing work.

Poor Quality

Even with their advanced algorithms, very often, AI writing tools create shallow and light content. The text may be correct in grammar but is repetitive, badly organized, or hard to follow. The low-quality output does damage the effectiveness and ease of use of the content, making it less interesting or helpful.

Ethical Concerns

The use of unsafe AI writing tools provokes several ethical questions about who owns the work and the intellectual property. When AI tools make content like existing pieces it becomes quite ethically problematic, especially for schools and jobs. There’s a fear that the content doesn’t represent the ideas of the user or his hard work.


Excessive reliance on AI writing at one’s disposal can compromise personal growth as a writer. One may rely too much on the automatic creation of content, barring productive abilities to dig deep, write differently, and tune their writing skills for the better with time.

Dangers of Using AI Essay Writers

AI essay writers avail essays and other documentation to the user very fast. They, however, do not come without associated threats that are likely to impact the content quality and delivery. For instance, the tools are likely to do perfunctory work against issues of plagiarism or even inaccuracies. Additionally, they may lack personal engagement, leading to boring and monotonous texts. Knowing these dangers gives one a sober mind on the steps to be taken when using AI essay writers.

Plagiarism Risks

Plagiarism is one major risk associated with AI essay writers. Most of the AI tools lift from various sources without acknowledgment, and this may result in content that may be marked as plagiarized. Therefore, this can cause major problems at school, involving failing grades or even charges of academic misconduct.

Quality Issues

Essays that are AI-generated may lack good academic quality, including the depth and complexity that well-prepared writing calls for. As such, they can write simple, ordinary text that is not rich in critical thinking. This, of course, risks the poor quality of the essay and hence the reputation it would give to the writer and the standard of work.


Some AI tools can produce information that is incorrect in facts or outdated. Without any human control, there can hardly be any reliability that the information is accurate and helpful. This may bring down the credibility of the content and, in some cases, bring out misinformation.

Loss of Personal Touch

AI-generated essays lose so much of the humanness and personal view that a human writer offers. It might result in impersonal content that is not linked to your tone as a writer, thus less engaging and impactful to your readers.

Textero, EditPad, and EssayGenius Review

To understand the risks associated with AI writing tools, let’s examine specific examples: Textero, EditPad, and EssayGenius. Each of these tools offers different features and capabilities but also comes with notable drawbacks.

Textero Review

Textero is an AI writing tool that aims to quickly generate essays using machine learning algorithms. It creates content based on user inputs and selected topics. Despite its speed, Textero has some significant issues. Users have reported problems such as a lack of originality and poor content quality. These drawbacks can affect the effectiveness of the essays produced by this tool.

Lack of Originality

Textero often produces content that lacks originality. It tends to draw heavily from existing sources without providing proper attribution. This can lead to AI plagiarism issues, which may compromise the uniqueness of the content. For academic and professional purposes, originality is crucial, and reliance on such a tool may result in concerns over the authenticity and integrity of the work.

Quality Concerns

Users have noted that Textero’s output frequently contains errors and lacks coherence. The essays generated can be poorly structured, which makes them unsuitable for serious academic or professional use. These quality issues can detract from the effectiveness of the content and may require extensive revision to meet high standards. Poorly constructed essays can also impact the readability and overall impact of the written work.

Repetitive Content

One common complaint about Textero is its tendency to produce repetitive and formulaic text. The generated content often lacks variety and depth, which can make the essays less engaging and valuable for readers. Repetitiveness in content can reduce the effectiveness of the essay, making it less interesting and less useful for the intended audience. This limitation can affect the overall quality of the work and its ability to capture the reader’s attention.

Limited Customization

Textero’s ability to customize content based on specific user needs is often limited. Users may find that the tool does not fully adapt to their unique requirements or preferences, resulting in generic and less relevant essays. This lack of customization can be problematic for those seeking tailored content that addresses particular topics or angles effectively. The inability to personalize the output may limit the tool’s usefulness for specialized or nuanced writing tasks.

Dependence on Pre-existing Text

Textero relies on pre-existing text and sources to generate content, which can lead to issues with content originality and freshness. The tool’s dependence on existing material can result in essays that are derivative rather than innovative. This reliance may also mean that the content lacks the depth and insight that original writing often provides. Users seeking truly original and creative content might find Textero’s output to be inadequate in meeting their expectations.

EditPad Review

EditPad offers features like grammar checks and text editing to improve writing quality. It is designed to help users enhance their content by providing useful suggestions. However, EditPad also has some notable drawbacks. The content generated by the tool can be repetitive and may not always meet high academic standards. These limitations can impact the overall quality of the text produced with EditPad.


One of the serious faults is that the repetition in content created by EditPad can be so much that it becomes boring to readers. Due to a lack of variations in sentence structure and word choice, it can become very dreary, hence lessening the effect. Not only is the result of repetition in content created by EditPad difficult reading, but it also lowers the quality of writing. This can be quite a major limitation for users intending to create quirky and flowing content, as it may not hold the audience’s interest quite well.

Plagiarism Risks

Like many other AI writing tools, at times EditPad can come very close to sources, leading to plagiarism problems. The similarity may not always be by choice, but that brings important worries about the uniqueness of the text created. Plagiarized content can cause problems in school and work situations where originality and trustworthiness are paramount. It’s always very important to be sure because of reputation and integrity that the content created with EditPad is fully checked for plagiarism.

Quality Limitations

While EditPad offers grammar and style suggestions, these recommendations may not always meet high academic or professional standards. The tool’s suggestions might be too simplistic or fail to address more complex writing needs, resulting in content that falls short of the expected quality. For those who require well-polished and sophisticated writing, EditPad’s limitations can be a hindrance. The inability to produce high-quality content consistently can affect the effectiveness of the writing, making it less suitable for demanding tasks that require precision and attention to detail.

EssayGenius Review

EssayGenius is marketed as a tool for producing high-quality essays with minimal user input. It uses algorithms to generate content based on topics and prompts provided by users. However, EssayGenius faces several issues. The essays it generates can be generic and lack depth. There are also concerns about potential plagiarism and limited creativity in the content produced.

Generic Content

The essays produced by EssayGenius can be generic and lack depth. They often follow a formulaic approach, which can make them less effective and engaging. The lack of depth and originality can negatively impact the overall quality of the content, making it less likely to meet academic or professional standards.

Plagiarism Risks

EssayGenius may generate content that resembles existing work, raising concerns about AI plagiarism issues. The similarity to existing sources can lead to significant issues with originality and academic integrity. Users might encounter problems if their content is flagged for plagiarism, which can have serious consequences.

Limited Creativity

The tool often produces content that lacks creativity and personal touch. This can make the writing less engaging and impactful, as it does not reflect the unique perspective of the writer. The absence of a distinct voice can result in content that feels impersonal and may fail to resonate with the intended audience.

The Negative Effects of AI Essay Generators

The negative use of AI essay generators goes beyond plagiarism issues. Over-reliance on these tools can hinder personal writing skill development, as users might not practice creating content independently. Ethical concerns also arise, with questions about whether the AI-generated work truly reflects the user’s efforts. AI-generated content can lack credibility, often missing thorough review and accuracy. Additionally, using these tools can lead to academic integrity problems, as strict institutional policies may penalize plagiarism and unauthorized help.

Skill Development

Over-reliance on AI writing tools can stunt the growth of essential writing skills. When users depend too heavily on these tools, they miss the chance to practice crafting well-structured and thoughtful content independently. Writing skills, like critical thinking and organization, develop through regular practice, and AI can reduce the need for this. This can lead to weaker writing abilities over time, which is particularly concerning in academic and professional settings where strong communication is key. Without honing these skills, users may struggle to produce quality content on their own.

Ethical Concerns

AI-generated content raises ethical concerns about ownership and intellectual property. Every time unsafe AI writing tool work is presented as original, questions of ownership are raised. That can flow into an ethical dilemma where the work doesn’t reflect the efforts or ideas of the user. Not only is there an undesired risk that AI tools won’t cite their sources correctly in the future, but also the bottom line of this behavior has been one where laws have had to catch up with technology. Not understanding how these tools work makes it hard to ensure the content that they create is ethical.


AI-generated content might not be so believable if it is not humanly scrutinized or cross-examined. These tools just produce text that may have errors, old information, or errors that wouldn’t have been seen without scrutiny. It influences the quality, dependability, and reliability of the content. The reliability factor is key in both school and at work. Unreliable content might affect their reputation and whether or not a user accepts their work. Relying on AI without proper checks can lead to the sharing of wrong or confusing information.

Academic Integrity

This can create major academic integrity problems. Many institutions have strict policies against plagiarism and unauthorized tools. AI-generated work can easily violate this and submitting such content as your own could lead to severe penalties from failing grades, academic probation, or even expulsion. AI tools often create content that is very similar to existing work, which may get flagged as plagiarism. Moreover, this reliance on AI deprives students of the key learning that has to occur by students coming up with their ideas and writing.

Safer Alternatives to Risky AI Writing Tools

While some AI writing tools pose significant risks, there are safer alternatives that offer better quality and originality. Here are some benefits of using safer AI writing tools: is among the most reliable AI essay writer available. It generates good content and helps users to make clear and effective essays while following ethical rules. The tool has many important benefits which, as a result, make it quite popular among those who need reliable writing help. Here’s a closer look at what makes special:

Original Content is all about originality that does not plagiarize from others and therefore ensures academic and professional integrity. It generates texts from intelligent computer software and ensures both originality and relevance to the topics provided. With a focus on such detail in assuring originality, it will not fail in ensuring that your work is unique and fails to meet the high standards of reliability expected. teaches users to avoid issues of duplicate content and plagiarizing rights from other producers in their demonstration of authentic and reliable work.

Customization Options

One of the key features of is content personalization. Personalization of text by a user can be realized to suit their needs, like the adjustment of tone, style, or structure. This renders the content produced fitting into the specific goals and preferences of each user. Whether you need to write a formal essay or some casual piece, is at your service. It provides you with a lot of interesting content and tailor-made material, supporting the writing process.

High Quality endeavors to produce quality writing with clear and organized content. It has algorithms in place to construct essays that are grammatically correct and easy to apprehend. This quality of being cared for enables users to come up with material that will be strong and effective with high academic and professional standards. ensures that each writing is clear and easy to follow through so one can deliver material that is very powerful and impressive.

Ethical Standards follows the ethical guidelines very seriously while allowing honesty in the writing process. It reduces the possibility of plagiarism by ensuring that the developed content is by the book of academic and professional norms. guarantees work that is going to uphold intellectual property; thus, the work produced is truthful. This ethical achievement increases the reliability of the tool in ensuring customers do not fall short of their writing standards. is among the best essay generator with a great reputation for delivering top-quality content. This tool differs from others in its experience and better writing results with a few key features. pays attention to structure and is creative in essay making thus it comes up with well-structured and intriguing essays. It is easy to use and makes useful suggestions, making it a quite useful tool in creating high-quality written works as reviewed by MobileAppDaily.

Well Written Essays is great at developing well-organized and neatly generating essays. The tool makes sure that every essay is written to high academic standards so that the ideas are vividly clear and in a logical flow. This cautious construction conveys the intended message, hence making it good content for both academic and professional purposes. The neatly arranged essays developed by this tool lead to a more polished and trustworthy final product.

Grammar and Style Suggestions

It is among the best, providing clear suggestions on grammar and style. These suggestions improve writing, readability, and professionalism adequate for use. The tool enables one to come up with clean and error-free essays through advice on how to improve grammar and writing style. This quality of attention ensures a final text that is correct and professional.

Original and Interesting

It puts much emphasis on the originality and creativity of the content. It is designed to assist in writing essays that are unique and engaging. It helps one avoid common statements and write more creatively; this helps in developing various content that keeps the reader interested in reading. This commitment to originality serves to ensure that the essays written are engaging and reflect the voice of the user.

User-Friendly has a very user-friendly interface. All internal structures are very simple and neat, thus available to everyone who can work on a computer — both for beginners and professional writers. Its ease of use also provides the basic means for users to work smoothly through the tool and easily come up with good content without extra hassles. In this easy-to-use method, simplicity improves the writing experience by making the production of strong essays much easier. is a trusted tool for writing good essays and written content. It supports so many writing needs by providing features that vastly improve the writing process from research to the final draft. From a student looking for extra help in his schoolwork to a professional wanting well-written content. This essay writer gives valued help on every subject. Besides the promise of good quality and happy users makes it a trustworthy option for those who seek useful, fast writing solutions.

Comprehensive Features has numerous features to help a user generate content easily. It contains research help and topic development tools that help users in writing well-researched and detailed essays. This comprehensive approach caters to providing the user with everything that can be needed to present quality content on time. The tool supports these many parts of writing, all the way from the first research to the last draft.

Quality Control

Quality control is a serious business at It ensures that each content created is accurate and precise. With the tool, strict checks are built to keep off errors and make writing transparent. Through is assured of well-refined structured essays that meet school and job standards. This provides reliable and trustworthy written content due to the focus on quality.

Customer Support has very excellent customer support to help users in case problems are faced or there are queries. This tool will provide the user with full support services, be it technical help or advice on using the features of the tool to their full potential. This improves the user experience in terms of making sure that users can fix problems quickly and get most of the benefits from this tool. With easy and accessible support, wants to ensure an easy and fluent user experience. AI EssayWriter essay typer is a strong tool that helps people write good essays easily through AI. As such, it aids students, professionals, and researchers in obtaining reliable support to create original content. For EssayWriter, working on the different needs of its users and ensuring accuracy, original content, and ease of use is the priority. Here are the benefits that will make this tool a great choice while writing essays:

Originality EssayWriter is focused on creating original content. The tool was created to avoid plagiarism in any form and make unique, credible essays. To this end, sophisticated algorithms create the content from scratch rather than by copying and paraphrasing existing sources. An emphasis on originality keeps work honest and ensures that users are free to share content that is real and reliable.


The use of EssayWriter provides an easy, hassle-free way for its interface to make all this possible. The tool is plainly and simply designed to allow a user to quickly and easily generate content. Its clear design means that people who are not good at technology can also use it without trouble. With improved user experience, users interact easily and thus improve productivity.

High Quality

Quality-driven EssayWriter seeks to give the essays accuracy and clarity, making sure that they are laconic and well-arranged. As EssayWriter does not let its vigil on quality waver a single second, it helps in writing an effective essay that caters only to exclusive academic standards. This quality-focused approach will make sure that the final product is both complete and interesting, greatly helping any person who wishes to create essays at a professional level. is a flexible writing AI tool with a reputation for being creative and adaptive. It is one of a kind provides relatively thrilling content and is quite suitable for uses of different types. Whether used for marketing, school, or other working purposes, the potential of is to improve the quality and impact of the content it creates. Its attention to creativity and originality makes it a great tool for anyone who wants to create compelling and one-of-a-kind content, whether in any number of formats or fields.

Creative Content is great at churning out engaging content that captures readers’ attention. Smart algorithms therein are made for comprehending details that relate to different topics and coming out with new, relevant text. Capacity in this finds useful in an array of purposes — from coming up with befitting catchy marketing texts to making thoughtful academic essays. It can create unique and interesting content. This makes sure that the final result is different and connects with the audience it is meant for.

Variety of Templates

One major feature of is its great variety of templates and prompts. These are tools helping to create good content according to some needs and standards. Be it a blog post, product description, or anything else you may be working on, has templates that set things to ease the writing process. provides various templates that help users maintain consistency and focus while creating custom content that reflects their goals.

Original and Effective is oriented to the creation of original content, clearly sharing what is intended to be communicated. The algorithms of this tool are designed to generate unique text; therefore, the chances of having duplicate content are low, making it trustworthy. This focus on originality is key to keeping the quality and reliability of the content, whether school or work-related. With a focus on real, effective content, helps users communicate the message effectively while staying true.

Versatility can do many things, which is one of its best features. It can be used for different writing tasks like blog posts and product descriptions, as well as more complicated documents. This ability makes it useful for many industries and uses, giving users the power to manage different writing projects easily. can be used in many ways, so it can help different users. That is what makes this option good for a lot of tasks related to content.

Why These Tools Are Better

Even though,, and are AI writing tools themselves, they focus on improving the quality, uniqueness, and satisfaction of the user. The three tools are oriented to quality content and a high standard for content. They improve upon common issues found in less reliable tools with strong features in improving the writing process. With the attention driven by ethical standards and minimizing risks in the context of plagiarism, it becomes easier for users to acquire content that is dependable and useful. Let’s take a deep drive to understand what makes these tools better:

High-Quality Output:,, and are made for good and original prompts. The produced text, based on strong algorithms, is qualitative. Unlike some not-so-reliable tools, they are more into producing content that is not just grammatically correct but also easy to understand and interesting. This quality-centric approach imparts effectiveness, power, and appropriateness in the final work for academic and professional uses. The tools also help with improving and making the content better, which increases its quality even more. For more insights on how AI writing tools can enhance accessibility, read AI Writing Tools Enhancing Accessibility for Students with Disabilities.

User Satisfaction

These are tools that deal with users’ experiences in numerous ways, thereby fulfilling individual requirements. Customization options give users the power to adjust the content in line with their requirements, hence making the process faster and more personal. Nice suggestions and an easy-to-use interface help a lot in providing a better writing experience to ensure the user can easily reach his goals. They enhance the effectiveness of writing by attending to user intentions so that user expectations are met. This ensures that there is satisfaction with the results.

Ethical Use

Probably topping the list of most important rules by which these things abide are basic ethical standards. They are sure to keep created content within the ambit of all academic and professional rules and keep users far away from various problems, including plagiarism or ownership of ideas. The tools help in creating original and correctly credited content, ensuring that the ethical use of created works maintains academic honesty.

Lower Risk

Tools like,, and help lower the risks included with less trustworthy AI writing tools. The focus is on the quality and originality of the outcome, thereby drastically reducing the possibilities of plagiarism and other ill effects. The tools are designed to offer credible and reliable content, thus solving common problems such as repetitive or generic text. The risks decrease the chance of the blind trust of users in such tools to produce content that could satisfy high standards in meeting academic and professional goals.

How to Avoid the Dangers of AI Writing Tools

Important main practices should be followed to keep safe from the risks of essay writers with AI and other AI writing tools. Yes, AI writing tools are extremely fast and convenient, but then there are problems like work copying and poor content. As a way to reduce such risks, think about using a way in which your work will remain original and is used fairly. Make sure that you are careful and thoughtful to get the best from AI tools while not running into their usual pitfalls.

Choose Trusted Tools

While choosing AI writing tools, one must focus on the popular and positively reviewed ones to ensure top-notch quality and originality. Normally, reputed tools have user reviews and successful experiences that establish some measure of trust. Using a tool of repute ensures standards of content are met, and chances of plagiarism are reduced. The more popular it is, the greater the number of advanced features there would be to enhance quality and maintain ethical standards.

Use AI as an extra help.

AI writing tools can help a lot, but you should not rely entirely on automation. Make use of such tools to ease your writing, but always check and improve the content by yourself. It makes sure that at the end you have work that does indeed reflect your ideas and style with a touch of your own. If you blend AI assistance with your ideas and creativity, you will be able to generate more authentic and superior-quality content.

Check for Plagiarism

Always use a good plagiarism checker to check the text created by AI to avoid problems with copied content. A Plagiarism Checker finds lines that are not original and makes sure that your work is unique and can be trusted. Often, it helps to retain the academic and professional honesty of your content. This step is important in stopping possible problems linked to accidental plagiarism and making sure your content is different.

Prioritize Privacy

Choose AI tools that keep your privacy safe and in no way misuse or keep your data. You may select tools with clear privacy policies and follow the rules of data protection. Keeping your information safe will make sure that your privacy is guaranteed while making sure there is no data leakage. You can use AI writing tools safely when you know that your information is guarded by tools that respect privacy.

Develop Your Writing Skills

Improve Your Writing Skills Keep practicing and enriching your writing skills so you will need AI tools less and less over time. The better you are, the more competent you will become in producing good content by yourself. Having built strong writing skills means gaining confidence and the ability to evaluate and use AI well. Such constant work will keep your creativity sharp and decrease your need for automated help.

AI writing tools come with a few advantages, from being very swift and efficient, but there are some pretty serious risks. Knowing the risks of artificial intelligence writing tools and the dangers of using AI essay writers will allow you to easily make the most appropriate decisions on which tools to use. Going to safer options like,, and will allow you to enjoy the benefits that come from AI technology without sacrificing quality or honesty. Using good practices and reliable tools can be effective in ensuring originality, quality, and the ethical standards of your writing.

For More Resources

How Compares to the Competition?

Why Stands Out Among AI Writing Tools

Choosing the Right AI Essay Writer: What to Look For

AI-Driven Research: Opportunities and Challenges in Academia



Ozul Shelby

Blogger reviewing food, providing honest info on restaurants and cafes, plus content writing—just what a foodie seeks for a great dining experience.