Anish Padinjaroote
2 min readJan 22, 2016
The Disappearing Act — Part II (Catching Fire)

One of the primary challenge faced by Organizations today is to attract, engage & retain skilled, competent, and confident workforce to compete effectively in the global economy.

Imagine this, a candidate who has been given the offer letter and is expected to join does not show up on the joining date…. Poof…… Shoot… that’s painful… I have gone through this situation and exactly know how it feels.

It gets even worse if the candidate has shown great level of enthusiasm towards the job during the interview and then simply disappears exactly on the DOJ (Date of Joining) without giving any notification to the recruiter or the hiring manager. Both the recruiter and hiring manager start scratching their heads with a sunken feeling, going down the big rabbit hole.

What happened? A better job offer perhaps! Which is one of the common reason quoted for No show. But is there anything more to it?

Is the candidate solely responsible for the No show?

Is monetary benefit the only reason for the No show?

Candidates are nowadays judging potential employers based on their brand, communications and culture, which in turn influence career decisions. The Internet (Social platforms primarily) provides candidates with almost unlimited information about almost all the companies out there.

No show is a huge issue in an open market, and there are not many ways to curb this, currently. But for some of the internal quick fixes or process followed by few organisations.

At entry levels many organisations try to tackle this issue by offering the candidates in such a way (short duration to join, mostly 1–2 weeks) that stops them to appear for more job interviews and ensure that they show up on the DOJ. Still No show happens….

However; at senior/lateral levels, it generally takes a couple of months or even more for a candidate after accepting the job to join the organisation. If the candidate performs the disappearing act and fails to join, it pulls back the business by at least another couple of months. This is very prevalent in the IT & ITES industry.

Now, let me ask you folks again;
•Can you share a real time experience of the disappearing act?
•Are you currently using any method or solution to solve this problem?

More disclosure in Part III……

Be awesome and cool always…
