4 min readMar 27, 2018

Why I am talking about Linky Brains…

Months ago, I started being astonished by posts from two unknow guys : Alex and Chris.

“Those guys are like me : simple words, clear thoughts, unconventional answers”.

I pinged Alex, we met, I immediately knew, he too.

Here we are.

As a kid, it was very easy for me to learn.

Almost anything.

And easy to understand, in a glimpse.

French, maths, history, astronomy, chess, football etc etc.

I was passionate by each new knowledge.

Classes were boring : why do the teacher spend one hour to explain what I catch in one minute ?

So I became a joker and was often punished for making other kids smile and laugh.

I am still but no one complain now, most enjoy it.

I was soon able to talk and discuss with adults and explain my opinions.

Not only explain : also express.

I have always wanted the world to know what my brain had seen or discovered.

I have never stopped even if many have tried to stop me : they all failed, miserably.

Luckily, my brain has visions.

Anytime during day or night, anywhere : under the shower, in the subway, on my sofa, with my guitar electric in hand …

It is like receiving a memo with a full description of a solution to a problem.

My brain is a problem solving machine.

And also a visionary software : all my predictions in the 80–90s about the western world happened. Sadly.

But that is politics and will not get into it now.

Today, people think or say I am “consultant”, an “investment banker”, an “M&A advisor”, a “fund raiser” … (put the word you want).

I am not : I am just Patrick Azzopardi and, magically, people pay me to be Patrick Azzopardi.

What do they pay for ?

Maybe for my visions, my advices, my network, blablablablabla.

More certainly — I hope ! — for the loads of positive energy I give them for free.

My real passions on earth : connecting myself with new people, sharing energy, helping when I can help and connecting people between them.

I do not work : I live my life, I achieve my real fate.

Nobody in the street can think one second I am a professional of mergers and acquisitions.

Because I am not : I do not play that role, I do not wear the costume.

The techniques I know are obvious and effortless for me.

I just share them with entrepreneurs so that they have better ideas or network to develop their business.

Small, medium, big business : I do not care.

Money is not in the equation.

I am the worst investment banker in the world for that.

Money does not exist so I have no interest in it.

My invaluable richness is elsewhere.

I am among the luckiest people in the world.

Beloved by god or the master of universe, call it like you want, it is the same concept.

In fact, WE ARE GOD, all together, animals, plants planets, elements, universe : WE.

My life is a gift.

Born in Paris in 1973.

Raised with my sister by fantastic parents.

Patrick because Mum was in born in Brixton London, the Irish ghetto, lived in a prefab, raised by her dad since her mother left home at the age 4.

Azzopardi because Dad was born in Tunis, grand-son of Maltese immigrants voluntary enrolled in the French Army in 1939, expulsed from Tunisia in 1962 at the age of 15.

A great family.

A wonderful boy, Super Linky Brainer.

A loving wife.

Tons of true friends, some like brothers.

Lots of xxx.

Tasted everything good on that planet except hard drugs.

Been in magical places, saw incredible things.

Felt joy and happiness every day in my life.

Met the beauty of humankind.

44 years x 365 days alive, eating the world.

And still insatiable.

Why Linky Brain ? Why not !

My brain has recently stepped to another level.

Pascal, more than a brother to me, 45 years old, discovered a tumour in his brain.

The count-down started for him. For us too. But we stupidly ignore that fact. We are programmed to die.

In his name, I will now cherish every minute of my life.

Get rid of all negative thoughts.

Exponentially develop the meaning of my life.

Enjoying, sharing, helping, loving.

Last thought : a reputed physician explained me quantum physics.

Only at a micromicromicroscopic level, elements have two natures : particle and wave.

Nobel Prize, clap clap clap.


Separate our particles from our wave (our “soul”) .. you have a dead body.

Put them together : you have a LIFE.

Particles do not disappear, they rebuild something, it a closed system.

What about the waves ?

Probably somewhere but we cannot measure it with instruments.

We can with our hearts.

To finish on a funny note, my 5 best Linky Brainers with a J

  • Jimi Hendrix
  • Jesus Christ
  • Jedi Yoda
  • Jiddu Krishnamurti
  • Joan of Arc

Thank you for reading my story.

Now ?

Call me Linky Brainer and let’s meet !

With love, Patrick

+ 33 626 56 19 20