3 Reasons to learn german

Florin P.
2 min readOct 9, 2021


It can be a lot of fun!

So…I was thinking about how most of the people kinda hate the german language.Some hate the accent, some hate it because it looks hard to learn.Maybe you have to learn it at school, at work or because you live in Germany/Austria and you can not find any reason or motivation to learn it. Seeing this made me think about it and I came with the result that it does not have to be like that…at least it was not like that for me.Today I am going to name the reasons I found it fun to learn german.

1.The Structure is very logical (mathematische Sprache)

If you are a very logical person, you like technical problems or you are good at math, you are going to find german very interesting.I am serious. Even thou from an external view german looks awfull. You are going to see that especially when you dive deeper in the grammar. There are so many ways you can play with the words, but be carefully, if you change some of them you might change their meaning. Germans call it a mathematische Sprache beacause it is not like any other language where you can thorow some words and you did it. The german grammar is based on logic and thinking.

2.Your Vision will change

When I say the word “change” I mean it. After one month of learning, the way you see germans and their country will be totaly different. I will give you an example: When someone hears the german language thinks that they are fighting :) or they are just screaming. After you start to understand what others are saying you will start to think that it is not that bad or maybe you will love it. Who knows you might become a teacher :). You think I am kidding? Did you know that most of the german teachers in Germany are not germans?Well now you know!

3.It might be helpfull

Maybe you are travelling to Germany or Austria. Maybe you have a bussines meeting with some german folks or you just need it for your resume. Whatever the reason is, I think it is pretty cool to say to others that you can speak some Deutsch. You never now when you will need it. Maybe someday you will meet a german girl/boy and you want to impress her/him. Maybe you want to read something interesting in german or watch a german TV Show(They have plenty of them). I think you should give it a shot. It might be a beautiful adventure for you. Have a wonderfull day!



Florin P.

Let nothing stop you and nobody knock you....beacause you are awesome!