UX/UI case study or What should you do if you are a grandmother?

Polina Novikova
5 min readJan 18, 2019

Hi! My name is Polina. I’m 27 years old. I’m a UX/UI designer, a little entrepreneur, and I’m really a grandmother. Sounds quite strange? Agree. Let me share my life story with you.

All my life I’ve been admiring the design and thought that designers are unachievable caste. In my mind was the stereotype that they dressed in the yellow boa, write paintings under the classic music 2 times per day. What’s more, the small unicorns come to them every night and disclosure some secret tricks… :)

The problem was that I’m not like that guys. I’m quite strict, systematic, have analytical thinking and like when everything is understandable. Oh, and one more sad fact was that any unicorns had never come to my house.

It’s time to meet closer. This girl on the picture is Meee:) And it’s really exciting that you read this article.

Thus, let’s continue. As you understand, life has another plan for me. And I gather enough courage to take a design course in Meat.Study Academy.

In spite of my arriving at this course to another country, that shows my intentions, I felt myself timidly. Don’t worry — I’ve coped with it 😎

There are thousand business ideas in my head and, fortunately, we’ve got a task to create the landing page which covers our business goals. I regarded this sign like life pushed me and said: “Go on girl, you can do it!”.

The decision to choose the idea of knitting the wool socks comes to me naturally…

It’s possible you may think that this idea is so boring🤮, however, please give me a chance to convince you otherwise.

…As it happens, that I’ve taken after my grandmother’s knitting needles which she used last 60 years. And, after the death of my lovely grandmother, these knitting needles and good memories of her are all that have been left.

I have a beautiful manicure, don’t I? :)

But some strange thing has happened: I’ve become knitting the socks as my grandma did and presented them to my friends and relatives. I was surprised that my happy “consumers” really adore these socks and wanted one more pair.

I could suppose why my socks are so lovely by people. For me knitting the socks is like the way to meditate. Besides, during knitting, I feel the awe and appeasement. It’s just my time, my place and my thoughts.

Quite a nice story. However, it isn’t enough to have the only story in our time. You have to do a lot of things to achieve your goals. I started my way from creating wireframes for my landing page:

It seems quite boring, isn’t it? I agree with you but this stage in web design could save you a lot of time and keep you calm during communication with customers. Likely, I AM MY CUSTOMER😎 so agreement process was smooth.

Pfiou, the first stage was finished. Well done, girl! Good start 👍🏻 Whoo!

Accordingly to the next stage, I started with spirited mood…. and I’ve failed. I stuck in the 2014 year design. My vision was too old and I didn’t know how to create something different. When I was doing research I noticed only old style. After 2 days trying I caught myself thinking: “Okay, maybe it’s late to start. Doing this job you need to have something more…something invisible. I had known that I couldn’t!”. And I gave up.

Yes, I’ve thought nothing bad happened. It’s just expenses. I’ll return home in one week and everything will be as usual. And I relaxed and let go myself. Therefore next work was done just for fun and enjoy. Then I went to school without expecting anything. Let’s see what I did:

The first review was from another teacher and he told me that he really liked my design. To be honest, I thought that I was so tired and it was a misunderstanding. But after the second review of my teacher, my mind was blown. I thought: “Who are you, guy? You crushed my ideas 2 days straight! What’s happening? Maybe it’s joke…”

Thinking, I went home. I understood what was happening the next day. And I’m sure that I’ll understand what was happening for a long time…

Let me share with you some key ideas in my project which I consider worthy.

  1. Design your socks by yourself

A few simple options allow you to create exclusive socks. There won’t be the second pair in the whole world! You can choose classic socks or paint them by segments or even create a pair in different colors. Isn’t it amazing? Do what you want and express yourself. I like this idea :)

2. You help homeless people

It doesn’t matter like you this idea or not. Treatment of homeless people is my lifestyle. So when you buy my socks you do charity work. Because each 10th a sold pair of socks is given to homeless.

3. I’ve created beautiful adaptive for the mobile version. At least my teacher said that 🙃

So please just sit and enjoy this beauty:

Hope you enjoy my article because I ’ve described all my life in 7 minutes. In another case, it means that I’ve stolen 7 minutes of your life. So feel free contact me and we’ll discuss how I can compensate your loss🤗

So right now I finish writing my first article and I don’t know what will be next. But I believe that I should relax and enjoy my life flow and everything’s going to be all right. Wish you all the best in this beautiful Universe

P.S. The fact that I’m a grandma in 27 years is confusing, isn’t it?

Moreover, I don’t have own children. But my niece worked for us both😊
As a result, I have granddaughter Arina (4 years old) and grandson David (2 years old).

