PEP Token


The seam for the next generation energy marketplace

For decades, renewable energy has been touted as the energy for the future. As each day brings us closer to that utopia, an opportunity to ‘tokenize’ the excess production of renewable energy is presented. This mission embarked by Peer-to-peer Energy Protocol (P2PEP), will single it out as the next generation energy trading platform. It will connect the missing pieces in the recycling of renewable energy generation.

Current Challenges in renewable energy ecosystem

It’s refreshing to see individuals and corporations consider the potential of green energy production. This proves among other things that we are owning up to the responsibilities of a cleaner environment. Yet, the challenges remain paramount to mass adoption of these renewable energy systems.

Though, many green energy companies are investing in this energy-utopia, the comparative mass adoption remains at an absurd low. This borderline is dependent on a host of other factors. One of such factors include the readiness to switch from fossil generate energy.

Other daunting challenges, to include infrastructural and managerial systems, are important subjects to be dealt with before renewable energy systems can express full maturity. These problems infer that cost and feasibility remain substantial obstacles to full-blown green-energy ecosystem. Nevertheless, the importance and urgency for green energy production/supply can’t be overemphasized.

PEP token will help achieve the sustainability of clean energy ecosystem using blockchain technology. Another perk is the fulfillment of the yearning for economic growth in the renewable energy sector.

Why Blockchain?

Blockchain in its own ways has contributed to the growth of green energy industries. It has brought about an innovative drive for adoption, but disruption is incomplete. Currently, we have decentralized systems focused on the tokenization of energy production and tokenization of energy infrastructure; and so far, no decentralized green-system has fully matched the economic management standards modeled in the traditional energy systems.

Here’s where we come in — tokenization of the oversupply of green energy will act as a buffer to keep clean energy generation at its optimum.

Our Opportunities

P2PEP is leveraging on the huge potentials in the green energy market. The focus is built on the tokenization of the oversupply of green energy by the producers. This oversupply — and it will be in excess, will create an economic potential that will not only profit big energy companies, but also create opportunities for the small-scale renewable energy producers.


Clean energy producers have a hard time reselling their energy supply and for a fair price. Many consumers want clean energy, but don’t want the hassle of finding and installing a system.


The current energy industry places a ridiculous amount of levering power in the hands of the old fossil fuel companies and these companies are the very ones hindering the transition towards using clean energy.


In many places, people still suffer from bad energy infrastructure, whilst there are plenty of opportunities to produce clean energy in those areas.

Our Solution


Through the P2PEP Platform, clean Energy can be directly traded globally on a peer to peer basis, as easy as picking up an Uber ride.


The P2PEP platform can be used in a consumer to consumer or business to consumer manner, to transact the oversupply of renewable energy production. It helps Clean Energy Companies to directly connect with their customers, helping them to bypass the limiting, polluting and outdated energy industry.


P2PEP is an advanced solution based on the blockchain technology, PEP is a payment token for energy trading over the P2PEP network. Usage is simple as all that is needed is to download our mobile app and start buying or selling clean energy.

Why Us?

We do not consider ourselves competitors with other blockchain products pursuing similar objectives. We are simply playing a complementary role, and hopefully, in the no distant future, we will be able to synergistically integrate the different approach from different systems aiming to stabilize a clean energy ecosystem. Yes, we foresee a future of multiple partnerships, as we cannot do it alone.

More so, when we think of how expensive setting up the infrastructures for renewable energy systems are; we understand the burdens of the current economic pressures, and also the limitations it poses as an entry barrier. We are also aware of the disparities between traditional energy producers and the incumbent era of clean energy ecosystems, however, our solution is aimed at providing a seamless transition from the former to the latter.

P2PEP aims to revolutionize, boost convenience, increase efficiency and lower costs for all parties aspiring to make the transition towards clean energy.

Our solution is an enabling environment for the larger populace to be in control of their own energy assets, such that ‘if they can’t consume it all, they can recycle them into profits. Therefore, the renewable energy cycle will only be complete when:

Capital → Renewable Energy Infrastructure → Clean Energy Production → Excess/Oversupply of Energy → P2PEP Energy Marketplace → Capital + profit.

In conclusion, our product will not just be ‘another token’, it won’t just be ‘another blockchain’ or a concept simply leveraging on decentralized apps, it’s a new solution, real approach to creating a facilitated organic adoption of clean energy systems. And here’s why we believe our token will grow in value — we invest in our community and we invest in Green Energy Solutions.



P2PEP - Peer-to-Peer Energy Protocol

P2PEP aims to revolutionize, boost convenience, increase efficiency and lower costs for all parties aspiring to make the transition towards clean energy.