The Business of Rich Solar Renewable Energy


The renewable energy sector has flourished since the last couple of decades and continues to show great prospects for the future. The total renewable energy revenue is estimated to be worth about $777.6 billion USD by 2019. With the advent of the sharing economy, the prospects are even greater. The influx of decentralized energy startup enterprises has contributed to this magnificent rise in the demand for Renewable Energy Resources (RER). This has allowed for more participation from the finite-energy resource dependent corporations.

Energy trading platforms based on decentralized economies have bolstered the spread of renewable energy ideologies and expanded adoption. The fate of this new economy lies in a crucial point — the ability to create an economic potential gradient that helps to improve the system design in a more holistic manner and within a short period of time. This holistic approach will garner the best innovative experiences leading to a sustainable energy ecosystem.

The Most Abundant and Inexhaustible RER

Solar energy is one of the most abundant energy sources in nature and is not evenly distributed throughout the globe– especially in the polar regions, due to the earth’s tilted orientation. However, an approximate 71% of solar radiation has an effective distribution throughout the earth’s system at any given time.

Though only about 48% of the solar radiation reaching the earth is absorbed by the earth’s surface, it is observed that an average of 23 million gigawatts worth of power can, in theory, be exploited on the surface. This amount far exceeds all other renewable sources and if stored can outdo finite energy resources. No wonder energy companies and governments are trying hard to see how they can exploit this under-tapped reality.

Even with the prospective abilities of renewable solar energies, it still lacks when modern communities have to be powered, due to the amount of sunlight relative to geographical location and the cost of equipment. However, it is evident that research and development have greatly improved system designs and efficiency ratio since the discussions on scaled industrial applications started in the mid-19th century.

Why wait for another decade?

Human population continues to grow steadily by approximately 1.1% per annum. The rate of human activity is also rising, further leading to an increase in the emission of greenhouse gases which pollute the atmosphere and cause accumulation of trapped heat. RER is the alternative to effectively manage the ecosystem — turning away from the fossil-dependent economy to renewable energies.

Technological developments in the renewable energy industry have taken decades to reach current efficiency rates. While many fossil-dependent energy producers are yet to fully transition to the renewable alternatives, the detriments are still real. Finite energy resources are also being depleted with the increasing need and pressure derived from population growth.

Energy Corps dealing finite energy alternatives

In the last decade, the success of renewable energy systems has considerably piqued the interest of traditional energy producers and have introduced new players into the economy. We have seen a rise in photovoltaic cell production and exploiting of RERs, and in more recent years, nations have shown unrelenting efforts to promote this venture.

Currently, there are over 80 registered publicly listed renewable energy companies operating a traditional centralized system. There are few decentralized startup projects that are currently in their developmental stages and a couple more dozens down the pipeline of blockchain TGE seeking new frontiers to energy resolutions.

It’s a given that prospects aside, owning up to the responsibilities of a clean ecosystem is everyone’s business. While profits are well beyond the upper limits of the fossil-fuel mechanism, renewable energy resource dependent systems have far-reaching economic effects with overwhelming ecological advantages.

Renewable Energy Industry in the Sharing Economy

Within the sharing economy, an increase in the demand for platforms, and solutions that can provide product ready infrastructures is never-ending. These solutions revolve around building new hardware technologies and software programs that aid in energy use efficiency and harnessing the conduit potential of renewable energy.

A hat tip goes to emerging technologies like WePower, PowerLedger, Hydrocoin, among others using the innovative blockchain enterprise technology to usher in a new energy economy. These platforms, through the power of their tokens, use their smart devices and energy trading platforms as disruptive protocols. Our proposed P2PEP platform introduces a juxtapose that plugs into the oversupply of renewable energy. To learn more click here.

Probably the most fascinating idea so far is the picture of entire countries being powered by renewable energy. Even when alternative renewable combos used are not as efficient when compared to solar alone. Iceland, for example, has its power sourced from 100% renewable energy — and little to none of it is solar dependent. Other countries too have transited from fossil-dependent energy production to renewable energy. The trend of powering entire communities is increasingly becoming a reality even though a few hands are still idle on the matter.

While countries in the first world are still maintaining a mindset of roughly 20–30% dependence on renewable energy within the next decade, the opportunities remain vast. From remote communities to entire continents, the widespread alternative sources of energy are currently exploited.

It’s a Sundae!

We are growing each day on all fronts as we thrive on the hope of a clean energy ecosystem that pays, and are steadily becoming the vision we etched in our hearts.

P2PEP V4 Prototype

For us at P2PEP, the green pasture is our forte. We want to do business in renewable energy and provide our community supporters and backers of our project the front row seat into this economic transformation. The oversupply of renewable energy production, a groundbreaking blockchain dApp, an eventual smart green-ecosystem and a utility token — PEP — that powers them all will give us the edge required to breakthrough.

You can join our campaigns, our TGE and community groups to take part in the liveliness and energetic excitement coursing through the veins of our community.



P2PEP - Peer-to-Peer Energy Protocol

P2PEP aims to revolutionize, boost convenience, increase efficiency and lower costs for all parties aspiring to make the transition towards clean energy.