10 tips that will make your snap even greater photos

3 min readAug 19, 2016


Gone are the times when we needed an actual camera to take good photos — we’re making a shift from photography to phoneography and that’s ok — especially when you keep in mind that you can snap any great moment with your smartphone, edit the image and share it with the world in a matter of seconds.

This is why we’ve come up with 10 neat tricks that will help you up your phoneography game and become and Instagram wizard. You’re welcome!

1. Take a few seconds to decide on your photo

Start with focusing on one subject only. It’s easier composition-wise.

2. Composition, composition, composition

Basic rules of photography calling! Follow the rule of the thirds to make your photos balanced and natural-looking. If you cannot imagine the two thirds by yourself, turn on the gridlines from the settings of your camera app.

Image by Prem Anandh.

3. Forget about zooming — Crop!

Camera zooming extrapolates what’s already in view and as a result decreases the quality of your photo.

Cropping on the other hand samples the pixel info that was actually recorder without sacrificing quality.

4.Turn off your flash

How many of the best smartphone photos you’ve seen use flash? Smartphone flashlights still have a long way to go. If you need more light, increase your camera’s exposure value (EV) and ISO.

5. Use HDR wherever possible

When you use HDR, your camera takes two or more shots of varying exposures at the same time and combines the best of both worlds afterwards. This is particularly useful when your photos have high contrast.

Photo with HDR effect in motion.

6. Play with natural effects

Use reflections, search for symmetry, and experiment with your light.

7. Find the right angle for your photo

Mainstream photos are either taken from above or from the front. Shooting from a different angle will bring originality to your photo.

8.Get close

Smartphone cameras come with small sensors, which provide wide depth of field and better control over the lighting of your subject. In other words, they are perfect for focusing on small objects.

9. Don’t be afraid to use image editing apps

A lot of third party apps come with advanced editing options and filters that may be just what you need to bring your photos to the next level.

10. Take a lot of shots

Don’t expect to be perfect from the first try. Take as many photos as you can, choose the ones you like the most or use them for editing afterwards.

Want to take even more photos? Save your favorite moments in pCloud and get even more storage for the ones that are yet to come.




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