Staking pEOS tokens

2 min readSep 13, 2019


Today, we are enabling staking of PEOS tokens, a long requested feature by the PEOS community. This will enable better security for compromised keys, in the same way it does for native EOS tokens. Additionally, staking tokens creates passive income proportional to the staked amount and stake duration.

As you probably already know, PEOS is a non-inflationary token. The total supply of PEOS is fixed and doesn’t increase with time, the way EOS tokens do. There is no inflation. So where does the earnings for staked tokens come from? The earnings are part of the fees payed for buying RAM when doing private transactions. Without getting into technicalities the contract can’t really estimate the RAM usage apriori, and therefore follows a conservative strategy. Eventually, when the transactions are in, that surplus can be accounted for. Additionally future transactions also free memory. That creates a surplus.

We decided that the best use of these tokens is to give them back to the token holders. Of course, the amount of returns will increase with the number of private transactions that happen on the network.

The contract supports a few extra actions now: stake, unstake, refund and realizedivs. Block explorer and wallet developers will surely find it easy to implement these in their software. Until then, people can use out own wallet that is updated to version 0.0.3 and can be downloaded here:

[Download link]

Not sure if you want to use alpha software? You can do all the staking actions from here:





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