Mary’s Sexual Evolution — Part Ten

P.T. Brown
11 min readJan 30, 2024
Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy — Pexels

Parts One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, and Nine

Over the next month or so, Edward regularly took advantage of having a very willing Mary on tap every weekend. Louise enjoyed hearing the stories, then enjoyed the sex she and Mary would have afterwards, exploring Mary’s submissive side herself.

In the run-up to Christmas, Edward told Mary that he had decided to go and visit his son’s family in Australia in the new year, so her visits to his house would end just before she went home for Christmas, at least for a few months. Mary was okay with it, having made an obscene amount of money from him and her other escorting work, and had enough saved to pay for her holiday with Louise next summer, have ample spending money, and still enough left to put the deposit down on the lovely three-bedroomed apartment she and Louise had viewed for next year.

Mid-December, with the holiday paid off and the apartment reserved, Mary headed over to Edward’s house for one last time. When she arrived, a rather expensive Mercedes was sitting on the drive, which she assumed was another of Edward’s purchases. When he opened the door for her, she stood on tiptoes, kissed him on the cheek, and then turned to the car.

“This is nice. Treated yourself again?” Mary asked.



P.T. Brown

Writer of erotic fiction (some published). Characters tend to be strong women, unafraid to get what they want. Spelling errors are the cats fault, honestly.