Atomic Habits -Takeaways(snippets)

pabbu padma
May 24, 2024


There are 15 takeaways from the prestigious book Atomic Habits by James Clear are

Atomic habits — are small changes you can make to your habits to improve them to your desired outcome

  1. Get 1% better every day
  2. Habit stacking
  3. Temptation bundling
  4. Prime the environment
  5. Two-minute rule
  6. Instant gratification and delayed gratification
  7. Habit contract
  8. Habit tracking
  9. Goldilocks rule
  10. Make beliefs flexible
  11. The layers of behaviour change
  12. Habit loop
  13. Commitment device
  14. Secret of self control
  15. Killers of success

We will go through them one by one in the upcoming blog posts. Try to use them in your daily life if not then a minimum few of them. Please take atleast two takeaways

