Token Sale for US Investors

1 min readFeb 14, 2018


Accredited Investor

Accredited investors meet standards defined by the US Securities and Exchange Commission which allow them to invest in certain private securities offerings. Most startups raising money do so from accredited investors only.

The SEC web site contains the full definition. The term accredited investor is defined in Rule 501 of Regulation D.

In general, any of the following would meet the standard:

  • Individuals with annual income over $200K (individually) or $300K (with spouse) over the last 2 years and an expectation of the same this year.
  • Individuals with net assets over $1 million, excluding the primary residence (unless more is owed on the mortgage than the residence is worth).
  • An institution with over $5 million in assets, such as a venture fund or a trust.
  • An entity made up entirely of accredited investors.

How do I show accreditation based on crypto assets?

In order to fulfill the accreditation requirements with your crypto-asset holdings, please follow the steps shown on

