We have changed the ICO dates

1 min readJan 29, 2018


Ever since we started our token sale on January 8th, 2018, we have seen a growing community around PayPro. More than 10k followers on Twitter, 3,000+ backers registered, 4,500+ users on across all Telegram channels, 9/10 average score on rating agencies… and still growing!

However, most of these numbers came during the token sale rather than before the token sale. The reason for that to happen is that we have invested more on marketing during the token sale than before it started and hence, the results have arrived after it started.

Lesson learned; if we ever do an ICO again, we will start working on marketing much earlier than we did it.

Having said that, we have been told by numerous contributors and referrals that they still have friends / referees who want to join our token sale and hence, they still need more time. And the numbers speak by theirselfs; our daily number of transactions is steady.

New dates

For the above reasons, we have decided to delay the ICO calendar as follows:

  • Token sale will end on February 26th, 2018 at 21:00h GMT.

How this will affect the exchanges?

Still, our token will be able to be traded 25 days after the ICO ends. Thus, the counting will start from February 26th instead of February 4th.

Contact us

If you have any question regarding this or anything else, please do not hesitate to contact us on:

