White Supremacy

Pablo Bolanos
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2019

What does it mean to be a White Supremacist?

There is a lot of hate behind White Supremacy and from my findings I found that white supremacy today is different from in the past. According to the Global News Video it states that “In the U.S. public white supremacy events have increased 123% since 2016”. So, what sparked this rise in white supremacy events? Our President has sparked these events by making all the racist comments he has made. One that he has made was ”why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”. This was on January 11, 2018 and it seemed like he was targeting probably immigrants coming from Mexico or other South American countries. This like other comments motivates his followers to think the same and the problem is that they might act like he did putting immigrant families in cells locking them up and separating them from their families. This event is like on horrible one in the past, the Holocaust. There are issues from white supremacy and one of them is racism. Today there is still racism discrimination, but it is different from the racism in the past. More violent acts are being done, like terrorist acts. Acts such as the El Paso shooting that left 22 people dead and 24 injured at a Walmart store. People with so much hate, this shooter came to a Walmart knowing what type of racial group was there and it was Mexicans. His intention was to kill as many Mexicans as he could. More events like this either have happened or might happen if we do not fix the issues behind white supremacy

The violence behind it involves the National Rifle Association (NRA), most white supremacist is associated with this association. That is dangerous because guns are dangerous, and when people get mad you never know what they might do. With all the hate that white supremacists they use them and that is how mass shootings happen. It does not matter the race they are still considered to be terrorists. Racism and racial discrimination might not go away, but white supremacy can be regulated and watched. White supremacist can be dangerous, they might hurt non-white and white people.

This culture of white supremacy is being passed down to generations, people are not born racist it is taught and there are a lot of racists in America. Other races aren’t the only ones affected, but the white people that are not racist are too. Not every white person in America is racist and not all of them of the same ideology as a white supremacist. If we can teach younger generations and give them a basic understanding of all the cultures in America and accept them because everyone is an immigrant in America, we all came to this land.

