A word about footers

Pablo Diaz
2 min readMay 17, 2017


There’s one thing that, for me, makes or breaks good web design: the footer.

The footer is probably one of the most overlooked sections in web design. I believe one of the problems with this is that designers treat the footer as something the user will not put a lot of attention to, leading them to treat the footer as just a section to put SEO links or disengaged social media links.

Why is it that we keep asking ‘What do I want visitors to do/see when they enter my site?’ but we leave behind the (just as important) question ‘What do I want visitors to do/see when they reached the end of my site?’

Footers are where users will turn to to look for more information about your product/service. Contact details, social media accounts, emails, phone numbers, this is what the user is looking for in a footer, see the pattern? (hint: all those things are vital for the user to connect with your brand) So why is it then that this vital information about you is left as a secondary or as a ‘stock design’?

A well designed footer means that the designer was engaged and thinking of the user from beginning to end, leaving nothing to chance and conveying the same message throughout the site.

