About a true Super Heroe

Pablo Menendez
2 min readNov 16, 2018


Today, there is no need to talk about super heroes who can fly or control the weather, read minds, throw lightning or live eternally; today we do not have to talk about a super hero with a power even greater than all the others together, a super hero with the power to make people dream, give them a world of fantasy and imagination, a super hero with the power to give happiness children, young people and adults alike, a super hero with the strength to create a world of illusion for more than one generation, a super hero with an immortal smile and contagious joy that spreads through everything he touches; a super hero named Stan Lee. For a long time, Stan has captivated us with a universe created by him and other comic writers who, just like Stan, filled the lives of many people with fantasy and illusions throughout their lives and even after leaving, will continue in our lives. hearts forever. Stan Lee was a man who dedicated his life to the entertainment of other people through his imagination, is an example for those dreamers who live in a world of fantasy that world that often we do not let see others either by fear, shame or other negative feelings, Stan taught us not to be fearful or feel ashamed of being a dreamer, on the contrary are the dreamers proud of their dreams and are dedicated to making them come true that make a world more beautiful every day for the rest of people as Stan himself once said "I used to be embarrassed because I was just a comic writer, while others built bridges or worked in medical careers. And then I began to realize: entertainment is one of the most important things in people's lives. Without it, they could go to the deep sadness "I feel that, if you are able to entertain people you are doing something good" because thanks Stan for sharing your dreams and fantasies with the world and making it a better place, thank you for making us the more cheerful life with your stories and characters that will stay with us as your memory for many years, for this and a thousand more reasons that could not write or a thousand pages, Thanks Stan Lee!

