Our vision and mission

4 min readJan 20, 2023


Pacer’s vision is to be the world’s first Wellness Companion Super App. It will be a place where you can get all your health and wellness information, learn how to improve your health and well-being, and find all kinds of social activities to participate in.

The idea behind Pacer is simple: To empower our users to improve their overall health and well-being by providing them with the right motivation and tools they need to succeed, whilst ensuring that they remain consistent in doing so. We believe that everyone has the potential to be their best self, but no one has all the resources they need to do so. We aim to provide those tools by providing an engaging, enjoyable and easy-to-use app that keeps users motivated through gamification and inspiration to continuously improve their lives. Hence, we wish to cultivate a community of users who share a common goal of improving their wellness and have fun while they do it.

Technology is ever-present and is an integral part of all our lives and at Pacer, we aim to be at the forefront of digital wellness. Hence, we intend to incorporate our own proprietary technology into our ecosystem, with the first step being our own machine-learning sleep algorithm. Our 1st of its kind solution will allow us to detect users’ sleep quality on-device, without the need for any external storage (meaning your data is never stored on our servers!). We aim to make use of this data to make suggestions and recommendations for a better, more healthy sleep in the future.

With our reward mechanics, we aim to incentivize our users to remain consistent in their habit forming — by rewarding in-app crystals which can be exchanged for cosmetics, themes, enhancers and other premium content. We also plan to roll out our new and improved streak calendar, allowing users to earn more rewards the higher their streak is kept at.

Behind Pacer, we have 3 core principles

I) Innovation in the digital wellness space — Pacer will soon unveil to the world our various cutting-edge algorithms that’ll allow people to understand their sleeping, activity and daily habits in depth. Alongside this will be a recommendation engine that’ll draw from multiple data points to provide “active” feedback to users on how they can improve themselves on a long-term basis powered through its self-learning capabilities

ii) Amazing user experience — Gamifying the experience to create a long-term vested interest in wellness for all our users

iii) Empower users to own their wellness journey — Pacer will be free to use for all, giving our users the necessary tools to be better involved in their wellness journey

As we wrap up 2022, it’s been an exciting year for the Pacer team. One of our major accomplishments was completing a total revamp of the user interface (UI) for our app. This new design not only looks sleek and fun, but it also optimizes the user experience (UX) and user journey to make it more intuitive and user-friendly. We also introduced a new feature that allows users to view and track their sleep data, which is obtained through multiple sources such as your smart device, smart watches and even other wearable devices. We have also made breakthroughs in data recording methodologies using new AI/ML technology which we will soon reveal to the world.

Lastly, we are proud to announce that we’ve manage to grow our community base from 0 to 40,000 users across all channels. We couldn’t have done it without your support and we look forward to growing together with all of you!

In the coming months, we will be rolling out new and exciting features that will further enhance the Pacer experience for all. This will also be followed by announcing additional plans for community engagement, social activities and more wellness classes on our social media channels. Experience in-app and out-of-app social activities where all are encouraged to bring friends on their wellness journey. We also plan to introduce themes and game elements whereby our users can grow their creativity by customizing their app experience.

Stay tuned for our next medium release where we will announce our 2023 roadmap! We’ll explain our new feature plans alongside what we have in store for the community. Following the release of our roadmap — come join us on Twitter Spaces, where our team will answer any et all your burning questions.

Join our discord channel and other social media channels today to find out more.

