5 min readJan 23, 2020


Technology has been shifting agricultural productivity and growth for a while now. Agricultural related Technological innovations were created to increase farm incomes, production, and the whole value chain entirely.

Agriculture has a rich way of adopting the latest technology to fasten crop production, distribution, and transportation to effectively change how smallholder farmers run their business, and how that creates a positive impact on the life of rural communities and small farmers, just as PACfarm intends to do in Africa through the blockchain technology.

We all know how innovations like corn picker, milking machines, ploughs, crop rotation, hay cultivator, internet and IoT have played a polar role in helping farmers become more successful in developed countries. This is exactly what PACfarm is trying to replicate in Africa to boost food security and traceability using the blockchain and IoT.

Just as agricultural inventions in developed countries are helping small farmers to grow more crops and increase their farm incomes to enable them to feed their community, PAcfarm will also serve the same purpose to rural farmers in Africa.

However, this digital farm application will be built on the blockchain to help bridge over the gap between the unbanked farmers and investors, as farmers will be linked up with farm sponsors who have a desire to invest in agriculture and get returns either by sponsoring “transportation of crops for three months” or investing directly into the production of crops for six months to get return at the end of the harvest.

Agriculture is being Incorporated in the agro-food chain and international market, farm sponsors/investors can now run farm no matter where they are with the help of PACfarm application without having to soil their hands.

In Africa, as the population continuously expand and consumers become more demanding, the need to develop more agricultural-based technology that will assist farmers in producing more food to feed the fast-growing population is imperative.

With PACfarm, smallholder farmers are going to make decent incomes as a result of the technology where investors all over the world can now help farmers transport crops from their remote areas to wholesalers and agro-processors using PAC, LTC and BTC. With IoT devices on each trailer transporting crops and drones available to investors on request and also regular videos and image update investors will be happy with the PACfarm app.

The digital agriculture platform is providing a modern way for the world to take part in agriculture using blockchain technology and making an adequate profit. Pacfarm service is not too technical but simple. Anyone around the world can invest as little as $100 and help farmers to transport 10,000 bags of Rice to pre-arranged buyers in three months and make a 10% return or you can also invest in a complete farming cycle and make a decent 20% earnings in 6 to 9 months.

There are several problems in the agricultural value chain, this is an opportunity for cryptocurrencies like PAC global, Litecoins and BTC users to take advantage of. The opportunity PACfarm brings is in financing unbanked farmers to sell their harvested crops and to produce more crops. The idea behind the PACfarm blockchain platform is to connect global sponsors without the cross border barrier that affect farmers in Africa. This isn’t a charity organization for Africa, this is a more direct investment in Africa for mutual profit.


On how PACfarm works, farm sponsors can decide to sponsor transportation of harvested crops from the villages to agro-processors and pre-arranged buyers or they can decide to sponsor different types of crops from soya beans, cassava, maize, and even poultry; with farm cycles ranging between three months to nine months which is dependant on the crop/farm. Farm sponsorship starts from $100, and PACfarm will organize buyers before the harvesting period to sell the crops to when the cycle is ended. The profits from either logistic investment or direct farm investment are then divided between sponsors who receive 40 per cent of the profit plus their initial capital, while farmers receive 40 per cent and PACfarm gains the 15 per cent of the profit and 5% will be given to the exchange who will provide instant liquid cash for PAC global coins alone. That is 40 to sponsors, 40 to farmers and 10 to PACfarm, 5% to our partnered exchange and 5% into building our eco-friendly villages for farmers.

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Yes, every sponsor will still get back their capital and interest no matter what currency he or she decides to use because we are pegging every investment in USD.

The business model is straightforward; when you invest $100 using PAC or BTC you get back $100 with your interest. We are not dealing with the actual cryptocurrency we are only leveraging on the borderless ability of digital cash so as to support unbanked marginalized farmers, with no access to loans and financial support from the government.

Pac, LTC and BTC will be pegged to USD, at the time of investment what we receive are evaluated with the current USD value and what we payback will also be assessed based on USD invested in crypto.

Since we are to operate with fiat locally $100 = $100 and 1 PAC != 1PAC.

We are offering instant liquidation of BTC and LTC using the Luno and Binance API while we use PAC global as collateral via our partnered exchange. After harvest, we are going to return back the liquid cash and get back our PAC with a 5% interest to the exchange who had loaned us fiat.

For further inquiry kindly contact us via or any of our social media handles below:

Twitter: @FarmPac,

IG: @pacfarm1,


BitcoinTalk: PACFARM




Pac Farm brings a difference in farming by allowing a safe peer to peer lending to connect intelligent investors with farmers in Africa through PAC Blockchain.