Scoop: Windows Command Line Installer — First Steps

5 min readNov 19, 2023

I have been using Linux and Mac for the last 10 years, but for personal reasons I had to change and start working on a Windows Laptop.

First thing I missed on my development environment was how easy you can install and configure apps and tools from the command line. I spent my first weeks configuring my work environment to have a Unix/Linux like environment as I used to have.

Photo by Tadas Sar on Unsplash

Although I believe I haven’t successfully got the same experience 100%, I have a very similar one thanks to the new Windows Terminal Powershell and specially Scoop.

What is Scoop?

Scoop is a command line installer similar to Snap (Ubuntu) or Homebrew (MacOS) but for Windows Users. It stands out for its simplicity, and it is focus on the simple installation of Apps or tools for the command line, although it is possible to install UI Apps easily.

Photo by Clint Patterson on Unsplash

One of the advantages, in comparison with the manual installation of applications or the use of Windows Package Managers like chocolatey or Winget, is that the apps are installed on your $HOME directory instead of the default C:\Program Files.

