Looking for the biggest mall in Lahore?

Packages Mall
Apr 15, 2022


Are you looking for a mall to visit? Let us tell you. Packages mall is the biggest mall in Lahore. It has over 200+ international and local brand outlets. It covers the area of 1 million square fit with a grand covered ground floor parking. There are many local and multinational food chains in the food court that provide fresh, healthy and a variety of food. This is the best place for entertainment for your kids. Packages mall has everything you need. From clothing to households, you can find everything here. All the brand outlets provide you the best quality products and services. This is the biggest mall in Lahore that is safe and secure with fool proof security. This is the safest place to visit with your family. For more information, please visit our website or feel free to contact us!



Packages Mall

Packages mall is Lahore’s favorite and most repeatedly visited mall in Lahore, opened in 2017. More than 200 international