Does Seasonal Packaging Boost Sales?

Packaging Design
3 min readOct 6, 2019


Written by Lien Design ©2019

The weather is hot, the kids are out from school…and this is the perfect time for companies to start thinking about how they are going to update their custom design packaging to embrace the winter holiday season!

Many may wonder whether creating seasonal packaging can boost sales, and the answer is absolutely, positively yes. However, a smart company will use clever strategies to ensure this investment is one worth making. Here are some things you will want to keep in mind when thinking of your packaging for the holiday season.

Share a Story

Story telling is the most powerful way a company can connect to their customers. The holidays are an emotional time that is perfect for reaching out to people in this way. Think of new stories you can create to make your brands evoke more of a connection this coming season.

Encourage Impulse Shopping

The holidays are a great time for impulse shopping as people can’t resist the temptation to buy when they see adorable items that they know will make the perfect stocking stuffers. A product that is packaged with a holiday theme will make them even more likely to buy. Advertising products as a limited addition and seasonal can also increase conversions.

Create a Festive Personality

Beyond updating your packaging to be more seasonal, you can update your entire brand personality. Think of creating slogans that are specific to the holiday season or dress up your mascots in a Santa suit and hat.

Update Online as Well

Remember, a good percentage of holiday shopping is done online. Therefore, you will want to update your web design by adding decorative elements and showcasing products that feature seasonal packaging. If you sell on third party sites, you may also want to change out your product images to feature ones that show holiday themed packaging.

Learn from Your Competitors

As with any move you make in business, it’s always a good idea to keep your eye on the competition. You can learn from their successes as well as their downfalls, but it’s always a good idea to differentiate. This way you are sure to create holiday packaging that will stand out.

If you are looking to update for the holiday season, you may want to consult an expert. He or she can give you pointers so that you can create packaging that is sure to catch shoppers’ eyes.

Lien Design is a branding and design agency located in San Diego, CA. With years in the industry, they know how to create unique packaging that is attractive and functional. They can come up with a seasonal design that both you and your customers will love.

All businesses know that it’s never too early to start planning for the holiday season. What will you be doing to ensure your brand stands out in all the madness the season brings?

