Which materials are the best to use: paper bags or plastic bags?

Packaging Express
3 min readJul 27, 2017


Bags are needed for carrying various kinds of things and come in different sizes, shapes, colors and materials. Infact with rising global environmental concerns, people have become highly conscious regarding the kinds of bags that they use. Two of the most common kinds of bags include paper bags and plastic bags. There are pros and cons of each bag variety. There are places where paper bags cannot be used in any manner. Again there are items which are better carried in bags made of paper only. Frankly, there is a fierce battle between experts who have their individual opinions regarding the bags that are most suitable to be used. While some vouch for the paper variety; others are opinionated about bags made of plastic.

Comparison between plastic and paper bags depending upon the various factors

  • On the basis of reusing the product:

It is interesting to see that plastic bags surely outdo paper bags when it comes to reusing the items. Plastic is the clear winner in this case. The main aim is to reduce environmental impact and for that reusing the bags again and again is important. Paper bags are not suitable for heavy reuse as they are prone to tearing or getting wet. And once this happens, the bags are unsuitable for use. On the other hand, bags made of plastic are highly reusable and can be used and reused for various purposes. Infact it has been found in study and research reports that paper bags contribute more to the problem of global warming than plastic bags.

  • On the basis of resource use — renewable vs. non-renewable sources of energy:

The resources that are used in making of plastic and paper bags vary greatly from one another. Making paper bags is more resource intensive when compared to that of plastic bags. Paper bags manufacturing needs great amounts of water and energy. Infact it was seen in a report that recycled paper content bags did not provide expected performance as they could not carry much weight. Trees are the main source of making paper. On the other hand bags made from plastic are low on resource utilization. These bags don’t need trees to be cut causing deforestation and hampering weather conditions globally.

  • On the basis of production of solid waste:

The bulk added to the waste stream is mainly contributed by the paper bags. Paper bags add to more volume and tonnage and this increases the amount of greenhouse gases emissions that are needed for transportation of these paper wastes. It has been seen that weight of paper bags are more than that of plastic bags and they have more volume as well. The costs of recycling and waste management increase significantly with paper wastes.

  • On basis of marine life protection:

In this regard, plastic bags seem to be dangerous. As per global research reports, it has been established that thousands of marine species are killed each year due to the impact of plastic bags. Since these bags are not bio-degradable, they don’t get decomposed. Marine animals and other species suffocate and lose their lives with plastic. But with paper, there is no such tension and these bags easily decompose.

Practically it is very difficult to say at one go as which option is better — plastic bags or paper bags. Using both the options judiciously is the best thing to do.



Packaging Express

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