
How obstacles to collaboration can unconsciously get in our way

Paddy Corry
3 min readFeb 15, 2021
Edited Photo by Interactive Sports on Unsplash

Obstacles to Progress

A confession: I sometimes procrastinate work when I need to collaborate with others. It’s not a habit that I am particularly proud of, and if you know me, it might surprise you to hear it.

What about you? Have you ever put something off without really thinking about why? Have you ever struggled to describe an obstacle to getting something started or to get something done, when collaboration is needed?

In complex environments, subtle obstacles to progress can remain just outside of our conscious awareness. I’m a coach, so one of my goals is to raise awareness of unconscious obstacles to individuals, teams and organisations. To be an effective coach, I also need to be aware of what gets in my own way.

New awareness of these obstacles helps, but is not enough. Naming can also help to move us forward. However, our ability to fluently describe unconscious obstacles is not perfect. Sometimes the words we need remain on the tip of the tongue, frustratingly just out of our reach.

Let’s take an example.

I am willing to bet you have you experienced one example of this situation: You are walking along a path or…



Paddy Corry

#coaching #facilitation #training #learning #collaboration