How To Know If You Have Skin Cancer


Skin cancer is one of the common type of cancers to find because it usually begins where you can see it. From the scalp to the bottom of the feet, one can get skin cancer anywhere on the skin. Skin cancer can easily develop in the areas that are exposed to harmful UV rays of sun. It can begin anywhere, under the toenail, genitals, inside the mouth, or even on the lip.

How To Know If You Have Skin Cancer

How to find skin cancer on your body?

The best way to find skin cancer is to properly check out your body. You need to look at the spots on the skin and check everywhere from the scalp to the spaces between the toes and bottom of the feet. You can even take help from your friend or family to look into it, only if you are comfortable. They will be able to examine hard-to-see areas like your scalp and back. If you keep checking your body monthly, you may be able to see changes. Skin cancer dermatologist can tell you how often you should check your body.

How does skin cancer look like?

Skin cancer may appear in a variety of ways. It may look like a mole that is totally different from the other moles on your body. A scaly patch or a black streak under a nail can also be a sign of skin cancer. However, you do not have to remember a long list to find skin cancer on your body. If you notice any spot on your skin that is very different from other spots, bleeds or itches, you may want to see a dermatologist. The best way to deal with the problem would be to consult a dermatologist.

It is necessary to know that most people who have skin cancer feel perfectly fine! You may have any suspicious spot on your skin or under your toenail, but you will feel absolutely fine. You won’t have any pain or fall ill. The only difference you will notice is the suspicious-looking spot. However, it is not necessary that the spot will always itch, bleed or feel painful. But if it does, then it may be a type of skin cancer.

If you do not get dermatology skin cancer treatment on time, cancer can spread.

A dermatologist will examine the spot and if it looks like it could be skin cancer, they will remove it all or part of it. Remember that skin cancer diagnosis always requires a skin biopsy and it is extremely essential. There is no other way to know whether you have skin cancer. With the help of the biopsy report, your dermatologist will tell you what kind of cancer cells were found.

Therefore, if you ever find any suspicious spot, seeing a dermatologist would be the best decision to make.



Pennsylvania Dermatology Partners, P.C. Pennsylvania Dermatology Partners specialize in all types of medical and surgical dermatology.