How does Covid-19 impact the education system?

3 min readOct 13, 2021


The current situation is unprecedented. The terrifying and hazardous impact of Covid-19 has shaken the world to its core and it’s very obvious that the education industry is one of the worst-hit industries the pandemic.

As we all know education is the backbone of every nation. It’s the most powerful weapon and tool that we can use to change the world. Unfortunately, now most of the countries around the globe have temporarily closed nearly all the educational institutions in an attempt to prevent the spread of Covid-19.

But, it has transformed the entire notion of what education is and how education should be. Not only students but the entire education system was left with only one option to educate students. That was e-learning and online classes. The teachers who used to request our parents to take away the devices and internet access are now requesting to provide high-speed internet access and devices to children. All the activities are now online. Even singing and dancing classes. Schooling from home has been the new normal for all students where they are attending lectures through Zoom, YouTube, Google meet and whats-app. Instead of depending on hard copies of books, students are now relying on the e-book.

Although online education always existed students were not too familiar with it. The pandemic has taught us the need for education to go online. We have now entered a new era of e-learning which is unfortunately accelerated by the Covid.

Need is the mother of all inventions and who were wary of advanced online teaching courses are now realizing the potential of online resources. It allows innovative methods of teaching with the help of technology and online tools.

The government has come up with e-learning programs. Many Edu-Tech firms have tried to leverage the occasion by offering free online classes or attractive discounts on e-learning modules. They came up with easy e-learning techniques. These measures have been met with overwhelming responses by students all over. Remote learning seems a viable solution to students during this time as the Edu-tech companies offer convenient, on-the-go and affordable access to lessons.

How Padichalo helped both educational institutions and students?

When the Covid-19 confined people to their homes students, parents and educators were looking for an effective way to teach their children. Since we had already a platform for educational purposes, it helped them immensely to continue the process of teaching and learning, especially in this juncture even without a break and distraction. We on-boarded multiple institutions. So they could provide their classes through Padichalo. Not only for their students But it allowed reaching out to several students across geographies.

When physical education was in trouble, we created and introduced virtual learning infrastructure and innovating methods of teaching with optimum use of technology. We built online platforms and provided a virtual space for educators and administrators to teach and manage efficiently.

This Covid-19 and lock-down has proved to be a reason for much awaited reforms in the field of education and its impact could be observed in long term too. Education is temporarily getting affected. But in broad spectrum, it’s revolutionizing our educational system by making it more online and giving talented teachers to come up. We have started realizing the potential of online learning.

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that the future is unpredictable and we must learn to adapt. This is why our education system needs to train students and evolve from the age-old classroom-based learning.




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